We are a nation of constipation, stagnation, putrefaction, fermentation, and autointoxication. Medical doctors report that less than 50% of Americans have a daily bowel movement, and, in fact, there is no medical reason to have a bowel movement every day. The National Digestive Disease Information Clearinghouse states that three bowel movements a day to three a week are normal, while the FDA reports that the average American male may be carrying an unbelievable 5 to 22 lbs. of fecal matter in him on any given day. The European Journal of Cancer reported in 2004 that constipation raises your risk of colon cancer. But few people realize that there are two types of constipation. The first type is infrequent elimination or when you cannot have a bowel movement. The other type of constipation, of which most people are unfamiliar, is when the colon wall becomes encrusted with hardened mucus and fecal matter narrowing the aperture of the colon and resulting in pencil-like stools. This is called mucovicidosis or intestinal mucin, and can have the consistency of truck tire rubber and be the home of parasites.
As the director of BellaVita Lifestyle Center, I have witnessed many people pass black, hard ropes in only a few days. I explain to every guest the power of colon cleansing for removal of the old material from the colon that can be years old. One nurse gasped: “I have been a nurse for 19 years and I have never seen anything like this pass from a human body.”
So why should we cleanse? I think the answer is obvious. When the body takes in toxins faster than it can eliminate them, symptoms develop producing disease. In order to prevent and reverse disease, we must FIRST detoxify all the elimination organs of the body: the bowel, liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, blood, and lymph, and regenerate the body. This is the foundational program for healing. When the toxins are removed from the body and tissues, WHAT NEEDS TO HEAL HEALS. Many different symptoms that you would never associate with a toxic condition of the colon improve or disappear.
Internal cleansing vs. feeling sluggish, tired and bloated? Many researchers, including Nutraceutical Formulator and Natural Health Expert Klee Irwin, believe that there are five factors to blame for sluggishness, tiredness and bloating:
poor eating habits/nutrition
environmental toxins
organisms that cause disease
trauma to the immune system
Of these, toxins seem the most daunting and the factor most beyond your control. Klee Irwin, as a Natural Health Expert and Nutritional Supplement Formulator, finds people are constantly asking whether there is anything they can do to rid the body of chemicals and contaminants that come in from air, water and food systems. The public need for such a health product inspired Klee Irwin to develop Dual Action Cleanse. Klee Irwin's primary Dual Action Cleanse product has successfully been on the market for approximately 15 years, with hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers. Moreover, consumer preference for Klee Irwin's brand is fueling his research into the creation and development of Dual Action Diet Cleanse. Klee Irwin's personal focus is to respond to the public interest in natural health care; hence, the creation of Dual Action Cleanse for internal cleansing.
According to health experts, including Klee Irwin, the Nutraceutical Formulator for Dual Action Cleanse...
You can help cleanse your body of poisons by employing several at-home strategies. Consider the following options:
eating whole, organic foods that contain little if any pesticides
drinking enough clean water, bottled or filtered, which contains fewer toxins (it also helps to cleanse the body)
employing spiritual practices, such as yoga and meditation, which enable you to reduce stress and maintain optimum blood circulation
supplementing your food with key nutrients, including Cascara Sagrada, Psyllium, Fennel, Slippery Elm and Milk Thistle. Dual Action Cleanse features these key ingredients.
The Medical and Natural Health Communities Tell Us Why You Need Internal Cleansing: Garbage In, Garbage Out
According to immunologists, your body's autoimmune system is constantly being assaulted by these five key factors: (1) poor eating habits/nutrition, (2) environmental toxins, (3) organisms that cause disease, (4) trauma to the immune system and (5) stress. Of these, toxins seem the most frightening, the cause over which you have no power to change. Echoing the concerns of many of today's leaders, Klee Irwin asks, "After all, what can you do about the thousands of chemicals and pollutants that fill our air, water and food supplies?"
Even with new measures enacted by the U.S. government, the problem doesn't seem to be getting better. The EPA and other health organizations have directly linked environmental poisoning from petrochemicals to skin problems, poor liver and kidney functioning, sluggish digestion, lack of energy, central nervous system difficulties and more. The good news is that you can do something - including simple dietary changes and the addition of natural supplements - to help your body fight back against toxicity and regain the light and energetic feelings of youth. This is the impetus for the development of Dual Action Cleanse, a formulation based on years of research and testing to maximize the benefits of internal cleansing.
Risperdal (risperidone) and Invega (paliperidone) are powerful second-generation antipsychotics approved for the treatment of schizophrenia in adults and adolescents and are both manufactured by Johnson & Johnson's Janssen Pharmaceuticals unit. Risperdal is also approved to treat bipolar disorder in adults and adolescents, and autism spectrum disorders in children and adolescents. Invega is also approved to treat schizoaffective disorder.
Risperdal is also available in a long-acting injection called Risperdal Consta. J&J also released authorized generic risperidone though another of its subsidiaries, Patriot.
These drugs are also used “off label” for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, sleep difficulties and depression.
Risperdal was first approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat schizophrenia in 1993, and Invega in 2006. The FDA later expanded their approved uses.
You should be having 3 to 4 bowel movements a day. Are you? Laxatives are NOT the answer. What we want to do is re-educate the bowel. This build up can occur over years due to overeating of acidic foods, meats and cheeses, sugar. You are carrying around old fecal matter that is polluting your system. Part of the physiology of the colon is to absorb the vitamins, the nutrients in the last phases of digestion. Also to absorb water for any functions of the body. If your system is polluted, and you are only having 3 bowel movements a week. What do you think that water that is being used throughout your system is like? Its filled with bacteria, and other pollutants from the build up caused by a incorrect filtering of the water.
Due to the damaging chemicals so prevalent in our food, water and environment, Phase 1 involves an intensive cleansing and nourishing of the body. This phase is designed to address the causes of obesity and prepare your body for the Phase 2 Protocol.
You must follow this phase for 30 days before moving on to Phase 2.
This Phase Should Not Be Skipped and is ESSENTIAL to the success of the protocol.
Many have reported impressive weight loss during this phase alone.
Minimum Requirements for Phase 1:
Complete the following cleanses:
Colon Cleanse
Heavy Metal Clease
Take the following supplements:
Whole Food Supplement
Digestive Enzymes
Vitamin E
Omega 3
Acetyl-L Carnitine
Drink the following liquids:
Drink 1/2 - 1 gallon pure, filtered, cool (not iced) water steeped with coral calcium daily.
Drink at least 1 cup each of the following teas: Wu-Long, Green, Yerba Mate & Chamomile Teas.
Lifestyle Changes:
We understand that this phase will most likely involve a complete reshaping of your lifestyle which can be very overwhelming, time consuming and expensive. Therefore, we have attempted to scale this phase down to a bare minimum. In addition to the minimum requirements we recommend you invest in the following lifestyle changes as time and budget allow:
Personal EMF Eliminator
Home EMF Eliinator
Cell Phone EMF Eliminator
Reverse Osmosis System
Shower Filter
Learn & Practice the Callahan Technique
Learn & Practice Dr. Coldwell's Techniques
In addition you need to follow the eating and exercise guidelines, which are outlined in the free Weight Loss Cure Guides that accompany all Weight Loss Cure products.
We understand that this protocol can be overwhelming so we have compiled all of these products into convenient packages. Both cleanses and all the supplements are included in the Supplement Package. The coral calcium sachets and all the teas are included in the Weight Loss Cure Tea Package. Lasty we've compiled an affordable package of lifestyle changes, called the Quick Start Package. The remaining lifestyle changes can be purchased below as well.
For more detailed instructions on Phase 1 of the Weight Loss Cure Protocol, please reference pgs. 76-92 in The Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You To Know About.
It is during this phase that you will take an oral alternative supplement and follow the strict low-calorie diet. During this phase you will cease taking all other supplements, but will continue to drink all the products included in the Weight Loss Cure Tea Package. It is recommended that you spend 45 days in Phase 2.
Phase 2 is the CORE weight loss portion of the protocol.
If you do not reach your weight loss goal by the end of the 45 days you still MUST stop Phase 2 treatment and return to Phase 1 for SIX weeks before beginning your second 45-day Phase 2 cycle.
Minimum Requirements for Phase 2:
Continue to drink the following liquids:
Drink 1/2 - 1 gallon pure, filtered, cool (not iced) water steeped with coral calcium daily.
Drink at least 1 cup each of the following teas: Wu-Long, Green, Yerba Mate & Chamomile Teas.
Take an Oral Alternative Supplement :
The Natural Cures Store is proud to offer two alternative supplement products for use during the Phase 2 Protocol:
OraThin Oral Alternative - for those wanting an herbal alternative. Guaranteed to work just as well. See the testimonials.
Hormadral Oral Alternative Liquid - for those looking for a liquid alternative. Also guaranteed to work just as well.
In addition you need to follow the eating and exercise guidelines, which are outlined in the free Weight Loss Cure Guides that accompany all Weight Loss Cure products.
Below you will find all the products you need to complete Phase 2 of the Weight Loss Cure Protocol.
For more detailed instructions on Phase 2 of the Weight Loss Cure Protocol, please reference pgs. 92-98 in The Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You To Know About.
Minimum Requirements for Phase 3:
During this phase you will continue drinking all the products included in the Weight Loss Cure Tea Package and will resume taking all the products included in the Supplement Package.
In addition you need to follow the eating and exercise guidelines, which are outlined in the free Weight Loss Cure Guides that accompany all Weight Loss Cure products.
You may need to refill some of the teas and supplements at this point. They may be purchased individually on the Natural Supplements page.
For more detailed instructions on Phase 3 of the Weight Loss Cure Protocol, please reference pgs. 99-105 in The Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You To Know About.
Minimum Requirements for Phase 4:
Phase 4 begins with some deep cleansing. The full-body cleanse kit listed below include all the components necessary to cleanse your entire body. In fact, it is recommended that you do a full-body cleanse once a year.
It is also recommended that you continue taking all the products in both the Weight Loss Cure Tea Package and the Supplement Package. All these products may be purchased individually on the Natural Supplements page.
For more detailed instructions, please reference pgs. 105-114 in The Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You To Know About.
Did you know that nearly 20 percent of corporate crime is being committed by companies that make products for your health?
Sad but true, no less than 19 pharmaceutical companies made AllBusiness.com’s Top 100 Corporate Criminals List for the 1990s, and the trend has continued if not increased into the 21st Century. Crimes committed by some of the most well-known drug companies include:
Bribery, illegal kick-backs, and defrauding Medicare, Medicaid, and even the FDA
Immoral threat and intimidation tactics (recall the international drug company Merck actually had a hit list of doctors to be “neutralized” or discredited for criticizing the lethally dangerous painkiller Vioxx. “We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live,” a Merck employee wrote, according to an email excerpt read in court.)
Pulling Back the Curtain on Organized Crime
Fortunately, organizations like the Bureau of Investigative Journalism,1 the False Claims Act Legal Center,2 and Politicol News3 have all started investigating and publicizing the criminal actions these companies have been getting away with for decades.
Most recently, the British Medical Journal’s blog featured an article4 by former BMJ editor and director of the United Health Group’s chronic disease initiative, Richard Smith, aptly titled: ”Is the Pharmaceutical Industry Like the Mafia?”
The piece is also the foreword to the book, Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare, written by Peter Gøtzsche, head of the Nordic Cochrane Centre, which is considered the gold standard in terms of independent research reviews.
In related news, a recently published study concluded that most drug commercials are misleading or outright false.5 There’s a literal mountain of evidence proving that pharmaceutical companies are untrustworthy at best, and criminal at worst. And yet they’re the backbone of our modern “healthcare” system…
Even Forbes Magazine6 recently published an article with the provocative headline: “Is Big Pharma Addicted To Fraud?” and asked out loud “whether any aspect of the pharmaceutical business can be trusted.”
Is It Fair to Compare the Pharmaceutical Industry with the Mafia?
If you depend on conventional medical care to address your health problems, then you’re basically entrusting your health to organizations that clearly have far more interest in their bottom line than your health. In his article, Is the Pharmaceutical Industry Like the Mafia? Smith writes:7
“The characteristics of organized crime, racketeering, is defined in US law as the act of engaging repeatedly in certain types of offence, including extortion, fraud, federal drug offenses, bribery, embezzlement, obstruction of justice, obstruction of law enforcement, tampering with witnesses, and political corruption.
Peter [Gøtzsche] produces evidence, most of it detailed, to support his case that pharmaceutical companies are guilty of most of these offenses.
And he is not the first to compare the industry with the Mafia or mob. He quotes a former vice-president of Pfizer, who has said:
‘It is scary how many similarities there are between this industry and the mob. The mob makes obscene amounts of money, as does this industry. The side effects of organized crime are killings and deaths, and the side effects are the same in this industry. The mob bribes politicians and others, and so does the drug industry…’
Smith also notes that many more people are killed by the pharmaceutical industry than the mob. Prescription drugs also kill far more people than illegal drugs, and while most major causes of preventable deaths are declining, those from prescription drug use are on the incline.8, 9
For example, prescription drug fatalities more than doubled among teens and young adults between 2000 and 2008, and more than tripled among people aged 50 to 69.
Legal prescription drug abuse is a silent epidemic, and is part of the reason why the modern American medical system has become one of the leading causes of death and injury in the United States.
An estimated 450,000 preventable medication-related adverse events occur in the US every year. Merck’s painkiller Vioxx alone killed more than 60,000 people within a few years’ time before being withdrawn from the market.
“… [T]he benefits of drugs are exaggerated, often because of serious distortions of the evidence behind the drugs, a ‘crime’ that can be attributed confidently to the industry,” Smith writes.“The great doctor William Osler famously said that it would be good for humankind and bad for the fishes if all the drugs were thrown into the sea. He was speaking before the therapeutic revolution in the middle of the 20th century that led to penicillin, other antibiotics, and many other effective drugs, but Peter comes close to agreeing with him and does speculate that we would be better off without most psychoactive drugs, where the benefits are small, the harms considerable, and the level of prescribing massive.”
‘Science-Based’ Medicine Has Fallen on Its Own Sword
There are many areas within which corruption can take root, and the drug industry has nurtured corruption in most if not all of them. It would require an entire book to begin to address them all, which is exactly what Peter Gøtzsche has done in his book, Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare.
One of the most dangerous forms of corruption is that which occurs within medical science. For example, according to data from Thomson Reuters,10 the number of retractions of scientific studies have increased more than 15-fold since 2001, and a review11 published just last year showed that nearly 75 percent of all retracted drug studies were attributed to “scientific misconduct,” which includes:
Data falsification or fabrication
Questionable veracity
Unethical author conduct
Corruption of science is incredibly serious, as health care professionals rely on published studies to make treatment recommendations, and large numbers of patients can be harmed when false findings are published. The average lag time between publication of the study and the issuing of a retraction is 39 months. And that’s if the misconduct is ever caught at all. What’s worse, about 32 percent of retractions are never published,12 leaving the readers completely in the dark about the inaccuracies in those studies!
Poster Children for Corrupted Science
One clear example of how deadly corrupted science can be is the painkiller Vioxx. There were many indications that this would be a dangerous drug, despite Merck’s claims, and I warned my readers to avoid it before its FDA approval in 1999. In 2008, four years after the drug was withdrawn from the market, an editorial13 published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) suggested Merck might have deliberately manipulated dozens of academic documents published in the medical literature, in order to promote Vioxx under false pretenses.
The diabetes drug Avandia is another potent example. Between 1999 and 2007, Avandia is estimated to have caused over 80,000 unnecessary heart attacks,14 although the actual numbers of people harmed or killed by the drug is still largely unknown. Avandia is a poster child for the lethal paradigm of corrupted science as GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), the manufacturer of Avandia, hid damaging information about the drug for over 10 years, as they knew it would adversely affect sales!
Two years ago, GSK agreed to a $3 billion settlement over the sales and marketing practices of several of its drugs, including Avandia. This was the largest federal drug-company settlement in US history, surpassing the $2.3 billion paid by Pfizer in 2009 (see video above) for illegally promoting off-label uses of four of its drugs. Most recently, GSK’s crooked ways made international headlines yet again when Chinese authorities arrested four of the company’s senior executives on charges of cash and sexual bribery. Another 18 GSK employees and medical personnel were also reportedly detained.15 As reported byThe Guardian:16
“The Chinese authorities have accused GSK of acting like a criminal “godfather”, using a network of 700 middlemen and travel agencies to bribe doctors with £320m [$489 million] cash and sexual favors in return for prescribing GSK drugs. Gao said the police have evidence that bribery has been a ‘core part’ of GSK China’s business model since 2007.” [Emphasis mine]
In related news, a recent study17 concluded that a majority of American drug commercials—60 percent of prescription drug ads, and 80 percent of ads for over-the-counter (OTC) drugs—are either misleading or outright false. Lead author Adrienne E. Faerber told Scientific American:18
“There were cases of blatant lying, but these half-truths form more than half of our analysis.”
In all, the researchers analyzed 84 prescription and 84 OTC drug ads aired on major networks between 2008 and 2010. Ads deemed to be “potentially misleading” omitted important information, exaggerated information, made lifestyle associations, or expressed opinions. Ads making false claims were either factually false or unsubstantiated. Ads promoting erectile dysfunction drugs were among the worst offenders. OTC drugs, which are overseen by the Federal Trade Commission and not the FDA, were also more likely to be misleading or false. Overall, a mere 33 percent of drug ads were found to be “objectively true.”
Interestingly enough, other research published in the journal Psychological Science19, 20 found that warnings of adverse side effects in drug ads can actually backfire over time. While initially making viewers cautious, over the course of time people tend to ignore the warnings. People even began to see the warning as “an indication of the firm’s honesty and trustworthiness!” According to the authors:
“In four studies, we demonstrated this phenomenon. For example, participants could buy cigarettes or artificial sweeteners after viewing an ad promoting the product. Immediately afterward, the quantity that participants bought predictably decreased if the ad they saw included a warning about adverse side effects. With temporal distance (product to be delivered 3 months later, or 2 weeks after the ad was viewed), however, participants who had seen an ad noting the benefits of the product but warning of risky side effects bought more than those who had seen an ad noting only benefits.”
But Who Is Behind the Drug Companies?
While it is true that there were fines of $2 billion and $3 billion against the drug companies, that really pales in comparison to the fines being leveraged against the financial industry. JP Morgan will likely receive an $11 billion dollar fine.21 This level of fine doesn’t even begin to come close to what these criminal institutions really deserve for how they have ruined the US economy.
But keeping the article focused on health, you have to wonder if there is some common thread here and I believe there is. The drug companies are typically owned by other corporations. Just as the featured video shows, the shell game that Pfizer played shielded them by developing tiered lower-level corporations. What is rarely ever explained is that the corporate shield also runs in the other direction. The primary owners of most of these drug companies are the international banksters that are responsible for most of the problems we see not only in the health arena, but in all areas of the world.
How To Avoid Becoming a Disease Statistic
Ultimately, the take-home message here is that even if a drug or treatment is “backed by science,” this in no way guarantees it is safe or effective. Likewise, if an alternative treatment has not been published in a medical journal, it does not mean it is unsafe or ineffective. Also, when a drug or treatment does come with warnings, do yourself a favor and don’t tuck that information into some recessed corner in the back of your mind!
You’ve got to use all the resources available to you, including your own sense of common sense and reason, true experts’ advice and other’s experiences, to determine what medical treatment or advice will be best for you in any given situation. I advise you to remain skeptical but open — even if it is something I’m saying, you need to realize that YOU are responsible for your and your family’s health, not me, and certainly not drug companies trying to sell their wares and convince you to take dangerous “symptom-cover-ups” disguised as science-based solutions.
When it comes to health, an ounce of prevention is certainly better than a pound of cure, especially when the cure comes in a pill. Please keep in mind that leading a common-sense, healthy lifestyle is your best bet to achieve and maintain a healthy body and mind. And while conventional medical science may flip-flop back and forth in its recommendations, there are certain basic tenets of optimal health (and healthy weight) that do not change, including the following:
Proper Food Choices: For a comprehensive guide on which foods to eat and which to avoid, see my nutrition plan. Generally speaking, you should be looking to focus your diet on whole, ideally organic, unprocessed foods. For the best nutrition and health benefits, you will want to eat a good portion of your food raw.
Avoid sugar, and fructose in particular. All forms of sugar have toxic effects when consumed in excess, and drive multiple disease processes in your body, not the least of which is insulin resistance, a major cause of chronic disease and accelerated aging. I believe the two primary keys for successful weight management are severely restricting carbohydrates (sugars, fructose, and grains) in your diet, and increasing healthy fat consumption. This will optimize insulin and leptin levels, which is key for maintaining a healthy weight and optimal health.
Even though the video above is a few years old now and bigger fines of $3 billion have been assessed to GlaxoSmithKline two years ago, it is a good summary of how the drug cartels operate.
Bob Barefoot Coral Calcium information and research finds that some cancers have been linked to Calcium deficiency. In 1932 Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery that cancer was anaerobic: cancer occurs in the absence of free oxygen. As innocuous as this discovery might seem, it is actually a startling and significant finding worthy of a Nobel Prize. What it basically means is that cancer is caused by a lack of free oxygen in the body and therefore, whatever causes this to occur is the cause of all cancers. In chemistry, alkali solutions (pH over 7.0) tend to absorb oxygen, while acids (pH under 7.0) tend to expel oxygen. For example, a mild alkali can absorb over 100 times as much oxygen as a mild acid. Therefore, when the body becomes acidic by dropping below pH 7.0 (note: all body fluids, except for stomach and urine, are supposed to be mildly alkaline at pH 7.4), oxygen is driven out of the body thereby, according to Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg, inducing cancer. Stomach fluids must remain acidic to digest food and urine must remain acidic to remove wastes from the body. Blood is the exception. Blood must always remain at an alkaline pH 7.4 so that it can retain its oxygen. When adequate mineral consumption is in the diet, the blood is supplied the crucial minerals required to maintain an alkaline pH of 7.4. However when insufficient mineral consumption is in the diet, the body is forced to rob Peter (other body fluids) to pay Paul (the blood). In doing so, it removes crucial minerals, such as calcium, from the saliva, spinal fluids, kidneys, liver, etc., in order to maintain the blood at pH 7.4. This causes the de-mineralized fluids and organs to become acidic and therefore anaerobic, thus inducing not only cancer, but a host of other degenerative diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, lupus, etc.. Everyone knows that the human body is made up of 78% water by weight, and that water is hydrogen and oxygen gases. When nitrogen gas and carbon in the form of carbon dioxide and methane gases are added, the total gas in the body by weight becomes over 95%. Almost half of the remaining 5% that makes up the human body and controls all biological functions is the mineral calcium. No other mineral is capable of performing as many biological functions as is calcium. Calcium is involved in almost every biological function. This amazing mineral provides the electrical energy for the heart to beat and for all muscle movement. It is the calcium ion that is responsible for feeding every cell. It does this by latching on to seven nutrient molecules and one water molecule and pulls them through the nutrient channel. It then detaches its load and returns to repeat the process. Another important biological job for calcium is DNA replication, which is crucial for maintaining youth and a healthy body. DNA replication is the basis for all body repair and can only occur on a substrate of calcium. Thus, low calcium means low body repair and premature aging. As important as all these and hundreds of other biological functions of calcium are to human health, none is more important than the job of pH control. Calcium to acid, is like water to a fire. Calcium quickly destroys oxygen robbing acid in the body fluids. Thus, the more calcium, the more oxygen, and therefore, the less cancer and other degenerative disease. This information then begs the question, "How much calcium is necessary?" The answer can readily be determined by examining the diet of millions of people around the world who consume over 100 times our Recommended Daily Allowance, RDA, and who suffer the side effects of living 40 years longer than we do, of aging at half the rate that we do, and of being devoid of cancer, heart disease, mental disorders, diabetes, arthritis and all other degenerative diseases. Almost all of these people, the Armenians, Azerbaijans and Georgians in Russian, the Tibetans, the Hunzas of Northern Pakistan, the Vilcabamba Indians in Ecuador, the Bamas in China and the Titicacas in Peru live at high altitudes above 8000 feet. Their only source of water is melting glaciers, and the glacial water is so turbid and white with ground up rock that all of these cultures call the water "milk of the mountains". Each quart of this water contains over 17,000 milligrams of calcium along with other minerals and 60 trace metals. These cultures drink several quarts each day and the water fertilized crops are also loaded with calcium and other nutrients. The only long living and disease free culture that does not live above an altitude of 8000 feet, is the Okinawans. Millions of Okinawans live in the southern coral islands of Japan with the average life expectancy of 105 years, while mainland Japan is just 77 years. The Okinawans live on islands made of coral reefs which are mainly calcium. The Okinawans discovered over 500 years ago, that feeding coral sand, produced from the weathering of the reefs, to the chickens and cows resulted in twice as many eggs and twice as much milk. They also found that when the coral sand is used as a fertilizer, crops increase by as much as three fold. When finally, 500 years ago, they began to consume the coral sand themselves, all of the under-utilized doctors were forced to leave the islands. This was known in Japanese history as the Japanese Exodus. The early European explorers discovered their secret and hauled shiploads of the calcium rich coral sands back to Europe. In Madrid, Spain, the historic monument of the world’s first drugstore contains rows of shelves labeled "coral calcium from Okinawa Japan". Today millions of people all over the world consume coral calcium, and as a result, there are millions of medical testimonials.
The phenomenon of preventing and reversing degenerative disease through the consumption of large amounts of mineral and vitamins did not go un-noticed by men of medicine. Hundreds of years ago European doctors were prescribing coral calcium and other nutrients to their patients. In the 1950s, Dr. Carl Reich, M.D. discovered that his patients were able to cure themselves of almost all degenerative diseases by consuming several times the RDA of calcium, magnesium, vitamin-D and other nutrients. Dr. Reich was the first North American doctor to prescribe mega doses of minerals and vitamins to his patients and is considered by many to be the father of preventive medicine. By the 1980s, Dr. Reich had cured thousands, but lost his license for explaining that the consumption of mineral nutrients, such as calcium, could prevent cancer and a host of other diseases. This concept was considered too simple to accept by the medical wisdom of the day. However, by the late 1990s, other medical men of wisdom were also discovering that calcium supplements could indeed reverse cancer. In the October 13, 1998 issue of the New York Times, an article appeared entitled "Calcium Takes Its Place As a Superstar of Nutrients". The article reported that a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association declared that "increasing calcium induced normal development of the epithelia cells and might also prevent cancer in such organs as the breast, prostate and pancreas". It also reported that the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published that virtually no major organ system escapes calcium’s influence and that a research team from the University of Southern California found that adding calcium to the diet lowered the blood pressure in 110 black teenagers. The January 14, 1999 issue of the Phoenix Republic wrote in an article entitled "Calcium Reduces Tumors" that the New England Journal of Medicine reported that adding calcium to the diet can keep you from getting tumors in your large intestine. Then the February, 1999 issue of the Readers Digest wrote in an article entitled "The ‘Superstar’ Nutrient" that the Journal of the American Medical Association published that "when the participants' consumption reached 1500 milligrams of calcium a day, cell growth in the colon improved toward normal (this means that the cancer was reversed)". The Digest also reported that the Metabolic Bone Center at St. Luke's Hospital believes that "a chronic deficiency of calcium is largely responsible for premenstrual syndrome (PMS)" and that "a lot of women are avoiding the sun and their vitamin-D levels may be very low". In the same article, the Digest reported that "in 1997 the large federally financed trial found that a diet containing 1200 milligrams of calcium significantly lowered blood pressure in adults". Then the May 3, 1999 edition of US World News Report wrote in an article entitled "Calcium’s Powerful Mysterious Ways" that "Researchers are increasingly finding that the humble mineral calcium plays a major role in warding off major illnesses from high blood pressure to colon cancer" and that "You name the disease, and calcium is beginning to have a place there" (David McCarron, a nephrologist at Oregon Health Sciences University). Unfortunately, most doctors have not heard the news that their own journals and major newspapers and magazines are reporting that natural supplements, especially calcium, . . . Scientific evidence that calcium is the key to good and long health is overwhelming. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to read simple articles in reputable newspapers, magazines and the doctor’s own journals that are all saying that disease can be cured by diet. Also one can simply look at the millions of people around the world that never get sick and say, "We also want to drink some milk of the mountains". Unfortunately, all of the milk of the mountains is consumed as fast as it is produced. However, the Japanese could cure the world with their "milk of the oceans" known as coral calcium, the calcium factor of good health. The most frequent question asked the author is, "What do you do?" The response always begins with, "I have not taken a pill in over 30 years. Psychologically, taking pills is synonymous with taking drugs. Also, many people have difficulty swallowing pills. For most, many of the pills remain intact as they pass through the intestine undigested. The obvious solution is to do what the author does. First, the author puts all of the non-liquid nutrient pills and capsules into a blender to make a pulverized blend. He then uses a flour sifter to remove the broken up oversized capsule containers. The author takes 24 pills and capsules each day, and he has found that when pulverized, the blend fills a heaping teaspoon. Thus the author pulverizes a three-month portion and puts it into a large bottle labeled "Hunza Powder" and then takes a heaping spoonful each day. Secondly, the nutrient blend should be taken at meal times. For the elderly, this is the only time that they have sufficient acid in their stomachs to digest food. Thirdly, one glass of milk or one glass of apple juice should be taken with each meal so that the lactates or malates will keep the digested nutrients ionized even as they pass through the alkali duodenum, thereby allowing for greater absorption. Also, the consumption of fruits and vegetables with meals provides anions. The second most frequent question asked is, "Which are the 24 pills that you take?" The answer is 3 coral calcium (1.5 grams), 2 vitamin-D (5000 IU each), 6 multivitamins (one-a-day), 6 multi-minerals (containing 60 trace minerals), 3 calcium (citrate), 1 magnesium citrate, 2 vitamin-C (60 mg each), 1 vitamin-E (500mg), and 10 milligrams cesium chloride. The result is Hunza Powder. The author takes a heaping teaspoon each day, usually mixed in a fruit slush or a banana shake. Robert Barefoot is the author of the books, "The Calcium Factor" and "Death By Diet". These books are in their fourth edition, have been translated into several languages and are used by many in the nutrition industry as "the bibles of nutrition". Barefoot is about to release his latest book, “Let’s Cure Humanity”, which basically tells his story. We believe in Bob Barefoot Coral Calcium research and knowledge, and these books intergrate scientific knowledge provided by some of the world’s most renowned scientists, and brings it together into one cohesive scientific argument that demonstrates that nutritional deficiency is the cause of disease and that, by correcting the deficiency, disease can also be cured, not only prevented. Disclaimer This web site is intended to direct the attention of both physician and patient to the torrent of scientific research being carried out on the significance of biological calcium. It is for educational purposes. It is not intended to replace the orthodox physician-patient relationship. If you are sick, you are advised to consult a physician, and together, along with your newly gained knowledge, work toward the resolution of your illness.
There is a great debate as to weather or not you should stretch before you start your workout. Well let me set the record straight. Yes you should stretch before you start working out because it will loosen up the muscles that you are training and will dramatically lower your chances of getting an injury. But don't over do it on the stretching because the muscles are still cold which means you may have to do each stretch 2 or 3 times with a 1 minute rest in-between in order to make sure they are ready. I know that's a bit much but better safe than sorry!
It’s hot, really really hot, and the temperature is just going to keep rising as we head into summer. Even though we are known as the Sunshine State, sometimes the heat is too much for even us to bear. Here’s your survival guide to staying cool.
So what should you do when the thermometer heads into the red zone? We’ve compiled a list of the best and safest things you can do to make your summer as heat-proof as possible. 1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. This is the most important thing to remember and can literally save your life. Drink ice water, cold juices or non-caffeinated ice-tea. Avoid caffeine, dairy-based beverages or anything that is full of sugar, preservatives or colouring. Keep water on you at all times, this is especially important as we live in a city that is both hot and humid so it’s easier for us to dehydrate without adequate liquid replacement. 2. Stay ahead of your thirst. This might seem obvious but you need to stay ahead of your thirst. Related to the above hydration tip, don’t wait until you are thirsty to take a sip, force yourself to drink and drink and drink. Often the body won’t signal you’re thirsty until you are actually dehydrated and during a heatwave and extreme heat conditions, this can be dangerous. 3. Slow down. When you are in the heat or not in an air conditioned space, acknowledge this and do everything at a much slower pace. Tone it down and try to reschedule any non-essential activities. Even look at doing certain activities earlier or later so when it’s at peak temperatures, you can just relax. People who are active during the day or work outdoors should limit the amount time they spend outside during peak heat hours (from 11am to 2pm). Move these activities to either early morning or evening and if you want to work out or do exercise, head to the gym or an air conditioned yoga class instead of heading outdoors. 4. No alcohol or coffee. As a nation of coffee and beer-lovers this one will be challenging, but try to avoid caffeine and alcohol of any kind. A cold beer or iced latte might be refreshing but it will suck the moisture out of your insides rapidly and make it harder for you to replenish your essential liquids. 5. Choose your attire carefully. It’s best to wear loose-fitting and lightweight clothing. If you’re able to be indoors at home, just wear shorts, baggy tees or singlets. You can even give underwear a miss, as every layer traps more heat against the body. If you are outside or not able to work or play in air conditioning, wear loose and light clothing (shirts, pants, skirts) and avoid synthetics if possible. Natural fibres, such as cotton, breathe better on the body. And oddly enough, keeping the sun off your skin provides more surface area for sweating, and so is actually cooler. If you’re outdoors, make sure you wear a cap or straw hat. 6. Change your schedule to match the season and the extreme conditions. Get up and out of bed at 5 a.m. and go for a walk or exercise while it’s still bearable. Try to get your work done early so you can go slow the rest of the day. It might be worth negotiating with your employer to start earlier or work later so you can avoid having to do the bulk of your work in the middle of the day where it’s more taxing on the body and brain. 7. Minimise the use of heat producing appliances. If you have to use the dishwasher, washing machine or dryer, use them at night or early in the morning. It’s all about eliminating extra sources of heat. Incandescent light bulbs can generate unnecessary heat, as can computers or appliances that are left running. Eat fresh foods that do not require you to use the oven or stove to prepare. 8. Remember to package and store any perishables appropriately. If you are taking any food to work or travelling any distance in a hot car, pack your food in cooler bags with ice bricks. It is surprising how quickly food can turn bad and spoil in a heat wave. 9. Try to eat high water content foods to help your body out. Many fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon, rockmelon, honeydew, grapes, coconuts, cucumber and tomatoes contain 90 percent or higher water content by weight. Eating them in abundance will keep you hydrated. 10. Utilise the cooling power of water in ingenious ways. So if you feel like your body is starting to overheat, cool down by taking a long, cool shower or bath. Soak your feet in a bucket or pan of ice water and use towels and bandannas soaked in cold water. Also applying an ice pack to various parts of your body will cool you down quickly. 11. Use a water-filled spray bottle. This one is fun for young and old. Use a water-filled spray bottle, especially if you have filled it with ice cold water. When you are outside or feeling hot, simply mist yourself with refreshing spritzes of chilled water (remember to wear waterproof mascara if you do this at work). 12. Avoid protein-rich meals. Don’t make your body work harder than it needs to by choosing small, easily digestible meals. So don’t indulge in large, protein-rich meals as these can increase metabolic heat and warm the body. 13. Create your own rice-sock ice pack. Simply take an old sock, stuff it full of rice and put it into the freezer for a few hours. Stay cool at night by placing it under the covers with you. Rice retains the cold for long periods of time. Or for an even colder version, fill a plastic sandwich bag with ice cubes, seal it and stuff that in an old sock too. Won’t last as long and there is a chance it make leak, but it will be colder version than the rice. 14. Look out for others. Keep an eye on everyone you come into contact with and learnt to recognise the symptoms of heat-related illness. Be on the lookout for heat cramps, heat rash, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Call 000 if you or someone you know seems to be in danger. 15. Use standing pedestal fans and ceiling fans. These promote air circulation throughout your home. Opening doors in the house and using fans to push the hot air outdoors can function as an “exhaust” system and draw cooler evening air into the house. In the cooler evenings, open all windows and promote as much air circulation as possible. However, in the morning when the sun rises, close all doors and windows, making sure to close curtains and blinds as well, to keep the indoors cool for as long as possible. 16. Head downstairs and get low to the ground. Since hot air rises, the upper stories of a home will be warmer than the ground floor. Even better if your lower level is tiled rather than wooden as tiles retain the cold longer than wood. 17. Check in on the retired and elderly people near you. Aged people have less tolerance to heat due to their age. They can also be taking medications that can dehydrate the body, meaning that some elderly patients may be even more vulnerable to the effects of hot temperatures. So stop by, make sure they are drinking enough water, and that they turn on their air conditioning or fans. 18. Go Shopping! Shopping centres and cinemas always have the most reliable air conditioning systems and there are lots of things you can do while you’re there. Just make sure you don’t try to leave the shopping centre after your car has been sitting in the sun for hours. Try to leave at a cooler part of the day and let your car’s air conditioning run for a few minutes before you try to get in. Heatstroke only takes a few minutes to occur and the temperature in hot cars can reach unbelievable levels. 19. Avoid extreme temperature changes. This one may surprise you but a cold shower immediately after coming in from very hot outdoor temperatures can actually result in hypothermia (particularly for elderly and very young children). 20. Have a heatwave survival kit. Make sure it is prepped and packed before the summer temperatures really rise. Prepare your kit with all the following items and keep it in an easily accessible location. Battery-operated radio (with spare batteries), torch (with spare batteries), first aid kit and medications you need, a change of clothes, toiletry and sanitary supplies, special needs for infants, the aged and people with disabilities, water in sealed containers – ten litres per person (for three days), pet food, water and other animal needs, house repair items such as timber strips, hammers and nails for temporary repairs, mobile phone and charger, strong plastic bags (for clothing, valuables, documents, and photos) and spare car and house keys.