Wednesday, February 28, 2018

A Game of Russian Roulette

Many people never stop to consider how antibiotics affect them and take them believing that the antibiotics will only do them good and there’s no harm or risk. This “harmless” drug however has created a global concern and it’s continued use is being questioned at all levels.
There is an overwhelming amount of evidence of the harm created by antibiotics and how irresponsibly they are handed out by the medical, osteopathic, and naturopathic professions. So why do people continue to accept their use? Part of the problem lies within society itself and the culture of medicine. Medical doctors have inaccurately been viewed as the upper echelon in the health community. If they consider them to be safe enough to hand out so freely, then they must be okay, is a common sentiment. The inability of the medical profession to make accurate assessments with most patients, however, is repeatedly demonstrated by the medical profession’s failures. A common statement that you’ll hear from medical doctors is how unprepared they are by their schooling and training to handle the majority of the patients that they see. Frank Lipman, MD states, “I was shocked that my training was not very helpful for at least three quarters of them.”
It’s important to understand why most people takes antibiotics and what happens in the body as a result. When the body’s immune system is weakened by stress, chemicals, heavy metals, emotions, etc., the activity of microbes can increase and pathogenic microbes can start to flourish. The body’s immune system responds by activating some fast and some slower immune system mechanisms to help contain and eliminate not only infections, but also chemicals and heavy metals. These immune response mechanisms can create fevers, aches, chills, fatigue and other symptoms that we commonly associate with infections, colds, flues, etc. Contrary to the pharmaceutical companies attempts to educate us via commercials that these responses require drugs, they are actually signs of a healthy immune system responding appropriately. The very fact that they exist is not to alert us to run and take drugs, but to signal to us to support the body in this process to facilitate the healing response. The typical response by most people is to run to their doctors and get antibiotics (It’s important to note here that medical doctors are educated in the same way and posses very little understanding of the normal physiology of the body). When we take the antibiotics, the antibiotics suppress the immune system (remember that it’s already being suppressed) and by suppressing the immune system, they eliminate the healthy and required immune responses that create the symptoms of fevers, aches, pains, etc. With the disappearance of these symptoms, we feel as though we are healthier and the harmful infection has been eliminated. In reality, the symptoms are gone, but the antibiotics have created antibiotic-resistant strains, suppressed the immune system further, destroyed all the healthy bacteria in the body for up to 12 months or more, and have set the stage for many diseases and cancers throughout our life.
Antibiotics are associated with a very wide range of diseases and conditions, from acne and asthma to life-threatening diarrheacolitis, and cancers. The knowledge of antibiotics causing cancers first emerged decades ago. Antibiotics destroy all of the bacteria in the body within 5 to 7 days. This reduces the capacity of the microflora to produce phytochemicals that protect against cancer. Once destroyed, it takes 9 to 12 months, or more, for the bacterial flora to regrow back. Without the normal bacteria, the body is now vulnerable for an extended period of time. Several gut pathogens can cause serious problems during a course of antibiotics. Senior author, Justin Sonnenburg, PhD, said “Antibiotics open the door for these pathogens to take hold. Some studies have thus far shown that even after 3 years, the original flora is never restored, indicating a permanent alteration of the flora, and therefore function and balance in the body. This permanent alteration can lead to lifelong changes and impairments. The FDA has stated that the fluoroquinolone antibiotics – CiproLevaquin, and Avelox can cause severe, permanent, and disabling nerve pain throughout the body. Having talked to a few of these people myself, you have to be prepared to spend the rest of your life (if you can call it that) spending every last cent you have trying to find a way out of the hellish hole these antibiotics can leave you in. If you need more proof, have a look at the stories being shared here –
Antibiotics affect immune function and inflammation, in ways that increase cancer risk. Use of antibiotics is associated with increased risk of incident and fatal breast cancer, and colon cancers, and prostate cancer.
The FDA is warning the public that azithromycin (Zithromax or Zmax) can cause abnormal changes in the electrical activity of the heart that may lead to a potentially fatal irregular heart rhythm and sudden death.
“Clinical levels of antibiotics can cause oxidative stress that can lead to damage to DNA, proteins and lipids in human cells, but this effect can be alleviated by antioxidants.
Taking antibiotics renders individuals susceptible to diseases and conditions by leaving them in what is termed a germ-free state. In animal studies, “intestinal atonia frequently killed germ-free animals. Other investigations showed that germ-free animals have anatomic, physiologic, and immunologic features not shared with conventional animals. For example, in germ-free animals, the alimentary lamina propria is underdeveloped, little or no immunoglobulin is present in sera or secretions, intestinal motility is reduced, and the intestinal epithelial cell renewal rate is approximately one-half that of normal animals (4 rather than 2 days).” Put more simply, they alter the shape and growth of normal cells of the intestinal tract, reduce the presence of immune factors, and retard the cell’s ability to repair itself.
“…studies with antibiotic treated animals suggest that the flora protects individuals from pathogens. Investigators have used streptomycin to reduce the normal flora and have then infected animals with streptomycin-resistant Salmonella. Normally, about 106 organisms are needed to establish a gastrointestinal infection, but in streptomycin-treated animals whose flora is altered, fewer than 10 organisms were needed to cause infectious disease. Further studies suggested that fermentation products (acetic and butyric acids) produced by the normal flora inhibited Salmonella growth in the gastrointestinal tract. Figure 6-2 shows some of the factors that are important in the competition between the normal flora and bacterial pathogens.”
As a culture, we have come to believe that antibiotics serve a necessary and needed role. Unfortunately, that may not be the case as researchers continue to show that antibiotics are far more dangerous than previously thought.
A new study from Harvard researchers shows that antibiotics damage and alter human DNA, as well as proteins and fats in tissues. This type of effect classifies antibiotics as teratogens. “A teratogen is a drug or other substance capable of interfering with the development of an embryo fetus that may lead to birth defects or developmental malformations.”
Researchers at Duke University found that exposure to antibiotics may also increase the risk of LBW. This in turn was associated with cancers, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity.
Other researchers have linked the use of antibiotics to causing cancers of the skinprostate, and breast. Sudden death is always a risk factor with antibiotics use that most people don’t realize, and doctor’s definitely never discuss with their patients.
Antibiotic-induced DNA changes can also cause lung diseasecardiovascular deathpancreatitis, as well as many other conditions. A single dose of antibiotics can strongly alter microbial profiles and predispose humans to diseases like C. difficile with 40-50% mortality rates. Antibiotic-induced and resistant C. difficile affects approximately 3 million people yearly in the U.S. alone. What most people don’t realize in all of these cases is that alterations and damage to the DNA are involved and this damage is taking place whether or not the disease immediately manifests itself.
Antibiotics expose everyone to increased levels of infection from pathogenic organisms that are resistant to all antibiotics.
Over 50% of antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary with some estimates as high as 70-90% in children. Thomas Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told the President’s Council on Advisors on Science and Technology in Washington, D.C. “To be frank, there’s a very poor state of practice in terms of antimicrobial prescribing,” he said. The inappropriate use of antibiotics continues to be high (22-61%) in hospitals and clinics alike.
This gross misuse of antibiotics by medical doctors can create lifelong diseases in our children – “Therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics is frequently performed in pediatric practice and children receiving this therapy within their first year of life are particularly prone to develop allergic diseases later in life[1214]. Studies in animal models, such as Germ-Free animals, have also suggested that microbiota play a critical role in normal development of the immune system [15]. Oyama et al. [16] reported that antibiotic use during infancy in mice promotes a shift in the Th1/Th2 balance toward Th2-dominant immunity.
In 2003, the FDA mandated that ALL doctors culture microbes and perform susceptibility testing prior to prescribing antibiotics. Ten years later, almost all physicians fail to do this. Given that the majority of all antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary, this disregard for human health and the consequences of the doctor’s action of handing out drugs without justification is inexcusable.
The use of any antibiotic eventually leads to the inability to continue to use that antibiotic due to the ability of microbes to adapt and create antibiotic-resistant strains. Antibiotic resistance is a major world health concern that kills more people than AIDS each year. Doctor’s hand out antibiotics like Halloween candy, except this candy always comes with a razor.
“The danger posed by the growing resistance to antibiotics should be ranked along with terrorism on a list of threats to the nation” and “poses a catastrophic threat to medicine”, states England’s Chief Medical Officer, Professor Dame Sally Davies. “Health officials are watching in horror as bacteria become resistant to powerful carbapenem antibiotics — one of the last drugs on the shelf.” Harold C. Neu, one of the world’s foremost experts on infectious disease warned about the complacency around the threat of antibiotic resistance and the Crisis of Antibiotic Resistance. Along with all of these dire warnings these experts also evoke the scary prophecy that people will soon be dying from simple surgeries, but is that true? Perhaps, not. If we look at the prophylactic use of antibiotics in surgery, a different picture emerges.
There are 4 classifications for the prophylactic use of antibiotics in surgery. These NNIS (National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance) classifications are Clean, Clean-Contaminated, Contaminated, and Dirty: 0,1,2,3 respectively. The use of prophylactic antibiotics in the first two classes is highly controversial, as a person is more likely to have a SSI (Surgical Site Infection) when antibiotics are used than when they are not. One study showed that a person was more likely to have an infection with antibiotics in the first 3 classes, than without antibiotics. When looking at the need for antibiotics in the last classification, one of the main reasons for their need in the “Dirty” classification is due to antibiotic-resistant microbes being present. In other words, the previous use of antibiotics creates the likelihood that someone will have a deadly infection later on. When antibiotics are used in any surgery, their use can actually accelerate the invasion process of the antibiotic-resistant strains present. This holds true outside of surgeries, as well. Studies show that the use of antibiotics causes antibiotic resistance rates to increase. Use one antibiotic and you’ll create resistant strains. Use a second antibiotic and the resistance happens twice as fast, and so forth.
Antibiotics are the most prescribed class of drugs on the planet. The way in which they affect the internal ecosystem of the body is also occurring globally to a much greater degree in ecosystems around the world due to their widespread use in livestock to fatten up animals. Obesity is a global health crisis which has it roots in antibiotics and how they alter the normal intestinal flora.
The list of antibiotic-induced diseases and conditions is growing as science discovers more and more about how they truly affect the body. Here’s a list of a few of them:
Increased cardiovascular disease, strokes, and death (1), Immune system suppression (2), Altered behavior, anxiety, and nervous system imbalances (3), Increased pathogenicity of Staph Aureus (4),  Development of systemic allergic diseases (5), Increased risk of pancreatitis (6), Increases in Strep throat (7), Increased risk of sudden death (8), Increase risk of infections (9), Increased risk of breast cancer (10), Life-threatening colitis (11), Obesity (12-15), Kidney stones (16), Kidney damage (17), Asthma (18), Systemic lupus (19), Eye disorders (20), Cancer (21), Sepsis and Systemic inflammation (22), Colon Cancer (23), Increased susceptibility to disease (24), Arthritis (25), Nerve Damage (26), Lung damage (27), Nutrient deficiencies (28), Liver failure (29), and many more as yet to be determined effects.
In any discussion about the harmful effects of antibiotics, one has to consider the development of systemic fungal candida infections, which occur 4-52 hours after even one antibiotic pill. Fungal candida drives inflammation in the body, as inflammation promotes the ongoing growth of candida. For this reason primarily, fungal candida is associated with over 100 conditions and diseases. It’s impact on inflammation creates the basis for dysfunction throughout the entire body. Other pathogenic killers, like C. difficile and E. coli, thrive in inflammation, as well. The Candida Plan is designed to reverse the effect of antibiotics and help establish greater levels of health within the body.
The medical field’s continued adherence to the “see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil” philosophy with medications continues to pave the way for diseases and deaths related to antibiotic use. Government mandates and global please have done very little to correct this problem and the ongoing practices with prescribing antibiotics. It is more likely that the change will have to come from outside the profession as more and more people arm themselves with the knowledge of science and fact. Waiting for the medical profession to update itself will continue to cost lives and add lifelong suffering to millions and millions of people.
Perhaps, Arjun Srinivasan of the CDC stated it best when he said, “Medicine is a study in humility, we learn every day that something we thought was true is not correct.” Don’t wait on medicine to get it right.
Take back your health.  Live the life you create. Dr. McCombs Candida Plan.
Dr. Jeffrey S. McCombs, DC, is a third generation graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic (1984). Dr. McCombs developed The Candida Plan which is a detoxification and dietary plan that counters the detrimental effects of antibiotics and reestablishes the normal body flora, detoxification pathways, and regeneration cycles of a vital, youthful, and healthy body. His 29 years of ongoing research and practice emphasizes addressing the nutritional, environmental, emotional, structural, and biochemical aspects of acute and chronic health conditions in his patients.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Sixty two years ago, the polio treatment changed America, saving millions of lives.
And it did so completely free of charge.
That's why, if Big Pharma had its way, polio would have NEVER been cured.
Instead the polio breakthrough would have been patented, locked away, and replaced by drugs that manage polio at a hefty price.
And that's why, six decades later, Big Pharma is now at war with a brand-new cure...
Because this new cell technology is promising to eradicate not just one, but EVERY deadly disease.
And it requires NO prescription... NO doctor's visit... and NO drugs or surgeries.
In other words, it threatens to wipe out the $1.2 TRILLION in revenue the drug industry makes from disease.
Which is why the FDA is doing everything in its power to shut down this new cure.
But they can't silence me.
I answer to my patients and my Hippocratic Oath -- not the pharmaceutical companies.
And I've compiled a full dossier that blows the whistle on the biggest medical miracle since polio.
You'll have to see this to believe it.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

HEALING THE GUT Autism in kids


  • • The gut makes up about 80% of the immune system, so healing the gut improves immunity and overall health.
  • • There are brain messengers called neurotransmitters that are made in the gut. There is one called serotonin that is responsible for sleep, mood stability and appetite. Dopamine is another. It is responsible for focus and concentration, and GABA or gamma amino butyric acid has the job of calming nerves.
  • • Support the liver for detoxification.
  • • A gluten free/casein free diet is crucial for many reasons, but there’s so much more to the diet.
  • • Gluten (the protein in wheat) and casein, the protein in dairy are both highly inflammatory, meaning they create inflammation throughout the body, including the brain. They also create opiates.
  • • Pathogenic bacteria like candida or yeast is commonly overgrown in our kids and can cause many health and behavioral issues such as anxiety, anger, sleep issues, fatigue, lack of ability to focus or concentrate, stomach aches, headaches, and much more.
  • • Probiotics are very important in helping to restore balance to the gut which helps the immune system too. Probiotics are important but then there is knowing which one to use. It is also vital to know that when your child begins to have an increase in behaviors for a few days that this can be very normal as the gut is rebalancing, and then there are a few things you may need to support this process because it is a process. Remember, nothing should be done too quickly. Slow and safe is the best way.
  • • Additional support supplements are needed to help heal the gut lining, assist the lymphatic drainage, and offer additional help on removing pathogenic bacteria and the toxic load.

Ibuprofen Kills Thousands Each Year, So What Is The Alternative?

Ibuprofen Kills Thousands Each Year, So What Is The Alternative?
A recent Reuters' article opened with the following stunning sentence:
"Long-term high-dose use of painkillers such as ibuprofen or diclofenac is 'equally hazardous' in terms of heart attack risk as use of the drug Vioxx, which was withdrawn due to its potential dangers, researchers said."  
The 2004 Vioxx recall, as you may remember, was spurred by the nearly 30,000 excess cases of heart attacks and sudden cardiac deaths caused by the drug between 1999-2003. Despite the fact that scientific research had accumulated as early as 2000 linking Vioxx to increased heart attacks and strokes, the drug's manufacturer Merck, and the FDA, remained silent as the death toll steadily increased.
The Reuters report focused on new research published in Lancet indicating the risk of heart attack increases as much as a third and the risk of heart failure doubles among heavier users of NSAID drugs.

INFLAMED: Our Default Bodily State

Why are so many folks taking NSAID drugs like ibuprofen anyway?
Pain and unhealthy levels of inflammation are fast becoming default bodily states in the industrialized world. While in most cases we can adjust the underlying pro-inflammatory conditions by altering our diet, and reducing stress and environmental chemical exposures, these approaches take time, discipline and energy, and sometimes we just want the pain to stop now. In those often compulsive moments we find ourselves popping an over-the-counter pill to kill the pain.
The problem with this approach is that, if we do it often enough, we may kill ourselves along with the pain...
Ibuprofen really is a perfect example of this. As mentioned above, this petrochemical-derivative has been linked to significantly increased risk of heart attack and increased cardiac and all-cause mortality (when combined with aspirin), with over two dozen serious adverse health effects, including:
  1. Anemia[1]
  2. DNA Damage[2]
  3. Hearing Loss[3]
  4. Hypertension[4]
  5. Influenza Mortality[5]
  6. Miscarriage[6]
Ibuprofen is, in fact, not unique in elevating cardiovascular disease risk and/or mortality. The entire category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) appears to have this under-recognized dark side; cardiovascular disease and cardiac mortality score highest on the list of over 100 unintended adverse health effects associated with their use. See also our analysis of the rarely acknowledged dark side to aspirin: The Evidence Against Aspirin And For Natural Alternatives.
So, what does one do? Pain is pain. Whether it happens to you, or you witness it in another (which can be worse), finding relief is a top priority.


Ibuprofen Kills More Than Pain, So What Is The Alternative?

Research on Natural Alternatives To Ibuprofen

Here is some evidence-based research on alternatives to ibuprofen, sourced from the National Library of Medicine:
  1. Ginger – A 2009 study found that ginger capsules (250 mg, four times daily) were as effective as the drugs mefenamic acid and ibuprofen for relieving pain in women associated with their menstrual cycle (primary dysmenorrhea). [7]
  2. Topical Arnica – A 2007 human study found that topical treatment with arnica was as effective as ibuprofen for hand osteoarthritis, but with lower incidence of side effects.[8]
  3. Combination: Astaxanthin, Ginkgo biloba and Vitamin C - A 2011 animal study found this combination to be equal to or better than ibuprofen for reducing asthma-associated respiratory inflammation.[9]
  4. Chinese Skullcap (baicalin) – A 2003 animal study found that a compound in Chinese skullcap known as baicalin was equipotent to ibuprofen in reducing pain.[10]
  5. Omega-3 fatty acids: A 2006 human study found that omega-3 fatty acids (between 1200-2400 mg daily) were as effective as ibuprofen in reducing arthritis pain, but with the added benefit of having less side effects.[11]
  6. Panax Ginseng – A 2008 animal study found that panax ginseng had analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity similar to ibuprofen, indicating its possible anti-rheumatoid arthritis properties.[12]
  7. St. John's Wort – A 2004 animal study found that St. John's wort was twice as effective as ibuprofen as a pain-killer.[13]
  8. Anthrocyanins from Sweet Cherries & Raspberries – A 2001 study cell study found that anthrocyanins extracted from raspberries and sweet cherries were as effective as ibuprofen and naproxen at suppressing the inflammation-associated enzyme known as cyclooxygenase-1 and 2.[14]
  9. Holy Basil – A 2000 study found that holy basil contains compounds with anti-inflammatory activity comparable to ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin.[15]
  10. Olive Oil (oleocanthal) – a compound found within olive oil known as oleocanthal has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties similar to ibuprofen.[16]
There are, of course, hundreds of additional substances which have been studied for their pain-killing and/or anti-inflammatory effects, and there are also aromatherapeutic approaches that do not require the ingestion of anything at all, but there is also a danger here. When we think of taking an alternative pain-killer to ibuprofen, we are still thinking within the palliative, allopathic medical model: suppress the symptom, and go on about our business. It would behoove us to look deeper into what is causing our pain. And when possible, remove the cause(s). And that often requires a dramatic dietary shift away from pro-inflammatory foods, many of which most Westerners still consider absolutely delightful, e.g. wheat, dairy, nighshade vegetables and even wheat-free grains, etc.

[1] Direct cytotoxicity of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in acidic media: model study on human erythrocytes with DIDS-inhibited anion exchanger. Pharmazie. 2002 Dec;57(12):848-51. PMID: 12561250

[2] Genotoxicity of ibuprofen in mouse bone marrow cells in vivo. Drug Chem Toxicol. 2012 Jan 27. Epub 2012 Jan 27. PMID: 22283434

[3] Analgesic use and the risk of hearing loss in men. Am J Med. 2010 Mar;123(3):231-7. PMID: 20193831

[4] Effect on blood pressure of lumiracoxib versus ibuprofen in patients with osteoarthritis and controlled hypertension: a randomized trial. J Hypertens. 2008 Aug;26(8):1695-702. PMID: 18622250

[5] The effect on mortality of antipyretics in the treatment of influenza infection: systematic review and meta-analysis. J R Soc Med. 2010 Oct;103(10):403-11. PMID: 20929891

[6]  Taking non-aspirin NSAIDs in early pregnancy doubles risk of miscarriage, study shows. BMJ. 2011 ;343:d5769. Epub 2011 Sep 9. PMID: 21908536

[7] Comparison of effects of ginger, mefenamic acid, and ibuprofen on pain in women with primary dysmenorrhea. J Altern Complement Med. 2009 Feb 13. PMID: 19216660

[8] Choosing between NSAID and arnica for topical treatment of hand osteoarthritis in a randomised, double-blind study. Rheumatol Int. 2007 Apr;27(6):585-91. Epub 2007 Feb 22. PMID: 17318618

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Bar soap a bad idea for cleaning your hair

When you want to get your hair clean using bar soap is a bad idea because it lathers up. Anything that lathers uses sulfates and detergents which strip the hair of it's natural oils causing you to get oily and greasy hair, dandruff , loose your hair, color fade and many more problems. So to clean you hair stay away from anything that lathers. For the cleanest and healthiest hair use the wen hair care system at .

How Does Chlorine in Water Affect my Health?

The long term effects of chlorinated drinking water have just recently being recognized. According to the U.S. Council Of Environmental Quality, “Cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine.”

Never Let Your Kids Sit in the “W” Position. Here's Why!

Toxic Chemical: The Health Dangers of Chlorine

Consider this, chlorine is toxic enough to be a chemical weapon and categorized as a “choking agent”. Inhalation of chlorine gas can cause difficulty breathing, chest pains, cough, eye irritation, increased heartbeat, rapid breathing, and death. Exposure would be a very traumatic experience.