Sunday, March 25, 2018

Why Doctors In The Know No Longer Prescribe Blood Pressure Drugs

Why Doctors In The Know No Longer Prescribe Blood Pressure Drugs

Sunday, March 25, 2018 at 07:09 AM EST
With sales of prescription blood-pressure drugs pushing $32 billion annually, many believe Dr. Ben Y., (DPT, WLS, CNS) was crazy to ignore the medical establishment and instead promote a natural solution for hypertension.
"Peer pressure was pretty intense at first, recalls Dr. Ben. Some were skeptical and dismissed what I was doing, and some were blunt about it. I think they all thought Id eventually come to my senses and start prescribing drugs."
Yet Dr. Ben wasnt about to do that. As one who cares deeply about his patients, he felt they deserved the very best and most affordable treatment without getting ripped off by the big drug companies."
According to Dr. Ben, he became disgusted after seeing so many patients suffering from headaches, extreme fatigue, nausea, dizziness, persistent cough and upset stomach. It was like a bad flu epidemic, he says, except they didnt have the flu. They had high blood pressure."
He soon discovered the source of the problem. They were all taking blood-pressure drugs like Lopressor, Norvasc, Azor, Lasix and Zebeta (standard blood-pressure treatments). He knew they could do better. Based on his unique nutritional training as a clinical doctor, Dr. Ben spent months developing a natural blood pressure solution centered on a few key foods and light exercise...
...and the results shocked his peers.
One person using Dr. Bens natural solution watched her blood pressure drop 56 points, from 180/90 to 124/72.
Another patient dropped from 150/95 to 130/85. Yet another dropped 55 points from 185/90 to 130/70. Both in less than a month!
With this success, Dr. Ben decided to partner with a health publisher to create an online video presentation that could get his solution out to many more people.

IMPORTANT: This video is only for people who are serious about dramatically lowering their blood pressure. Click Here To Watch Now
The video presentation detailing Dr. Bens solution has raced around the world, even as its ruffled the feathers of old-school doctors and alarmed pharmaceutical executives.
Yet Dr. Ben says, Its been so rewarding to see people get their lives back. Those drugs were beating them down, and now theyre enjoying their lives again."
Even some of the doctors who initially opposed Dr. Bens solution are now offering it to all of their patients who cant tolerate the dangerous drugs.
"It's a great option, and so simple to do, says Dr. Ben. I just wish Id discovered this years ago to save more lives."
Click here to watch the surprising presentation ››

Friday, March 16, 2018

Doctors keep patients in the dark over medication blunders

We can’t really say it comes as a surprise to us here at – but a new study has revealed that doctors rarely let on about errors they make.
They do not inform their patients about mistakes with their medication.
The research, published in Critical Care Medicine, looked at a database of voluntarily-reported medication errors from 537 US hospitals between 1999 and 2005. It reveals that most mistakes made (around 98 per cent did not harm patients.
However, those that did were more likely to happen in Intensive Care Units (ICUs), and in these cases, the ICU patient and their families were left in the dark over the error. These accounted for around 4 per cent of errors made.
Of errors that have led to patient deaths, 18 occurred in ICUs and 92 in non-ICU areas of the hospital.
The biggest error was failing to give a patient medication, and harmful errors often involved devices such as IV lines or mistakes in calculating medication doses.
In more than half the cases, no actions were taken after the error, and only a third of the hospital staff were told they had made a mistake.
Lead author of the study, Asad Latif, of John Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, revealed that in only 2 per cent of cases the patient and/or the family was informed despite the existence of literature supporting full disclosure and a desire to be properly informed.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Natural Cures for Burst Blood Vessel in the Eye

Natural Cures for Burst Blood Vessel in the Eye

Natural Cures for burst vessel in the eye
What is burst blood vessel in the eye and how does it happen? Sometimes blood vessels break in the eye due to sudden actions (sneezing, lifting a heavy load, stress, etc).  The blood coming out of broken capillaries makes our eyes look bright red. The medical name for this is Subconjunctival Hemorrhage. This is not a serious condition and heals by itself within two weeks.
Try below natural remedies to get relief in this period of two weeks:
Cold is one of the fastest, easiest ways to reduce the flow of the blood and heal the burst vessel. Try any of the below suggested methods that work for you.
Ice Cubes
Wrap ice cubes in a paper towel and apply directly to the closed eyes.
Place a metal teaspoon in the freezer until it’s chilled. Now lie down and press the spoon to surrounding areas of eyes until the spoon loses its chill.

Wear a cold eye mask to cool down your eyes

Place eye mask in the freezer for five minutes. Fill it with cold water. Put it on the eyes for around ten to fifteen minutes.
Chilled Milk
Drip cotton balls in either chilled milk or water. Place it over eyes for immediate pain relief.
Rose Water
Soak two cotton balls in chilled rose water. Apply it over both the eyes.
Tea Bags
Simply soak the tea bags of chamomile or Bancha (Japanese green tea) in cold water until chilled. After that wrap the cold tea bags in paper towels or napkins. Lie down and place tea bags over your closed eyes.
Homemade eye wash of Jasmine
Place around ten to twelve jasmine flowers in a glass of distilled water. Leave it for around ten hours.  After that use a dropper to put three to four drops of this solution in your eyes.

Use Herbal Eye Drops

Buy Chamomile or Eyebright Herbal eye drops.  It is very effective if you are feeling dryness in your eyes.
Cucumber, Potato, and Apple
Cucumbers have long been known for its soothing properties and they remain one of the best ways to rejuvenate tired eyes. Simply cut the chilled cucumber and place the slice on the eyelids for 10 to 15 minutes.
Note: Apples and potatoes can be used in the same manner with the same result.

Use your fingers to gently massage your eyes

Use your two fingers to tap at the upper and lower end of eyelids at the same time. This will stimulate the lymphatic system and will get rid of excess liquid.
Do’s and don’ts in case of popped blood vessel
  • Get enough sleep. There is no better way to deal with popped vessels than a dream. Eat Devonshire cream with Jaggery in the night. It will help you to get peaceful sleep.
  • Avoid alcohol, smoke and the use of contact lenses for a period of two weeks.
  • Place the pillow in a nearly upright position so that the blood flows out in the best possible way.
  • Avoid bright light and dust. Always wear sunglasses while going out.
  • Avoid taking drugs like aspirin and warfarin as they cause thinning of the blood.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

12 Toxins in Your Drinking Water

Water quality is a subject that’s been big news lately. Residents of Flint, Michigan are suffering from toxic levels of lead in their water due to incompetent governance. Unfortunately, water quality issues are not a recent development. Industrial dumping, pesticide runoff, leaky storage tanks, and government mandates have created big problems. Let’s take a look at some of the nastiest water contaminants that may be pouring out of your faucet.

1. Fluoride

Adding fluoride to drinking water is a process that began back in the 1940’s to help reduce tooth decay. It sounds like a noble cause but fluoride is a neurotoxin and an endocrine disruptor. It can harm the thyroid gland and calcify the pineal gland. It’s so toxic that several countries have banned water fluoridation. Even some U.S. cities have caught on and started rejecting the process of fluoridation.[1]

2. Chlorine

Chlorine has disinfectant properties that make it useful for cleaning products and swimming pools. It’s even used to sanitize sewage and industrial waste. Chlorine is added to drinking water as a purification technique, despite not being completely safe.[2]
Chlorine is a reactive chemical that bonds with water, including the water in your gut, to produce poisonous hydrochloric acid. Chlorine exposure can cause respiratory problems and damage cells. Long term effects include memory loss and impaired balance.[3][4]

3. Lead

Lead is the main toxin causing problems in Flint. Corroded pipes are releasing up to ten times the allowable amount of lead into the water. Lead is toxic to almost every organ and affects children the worst. Developmental issues, stunted growth, deafness, behavioral problems, learning disabilities, and brain damage can all result from exposure to lead.[5] If ingested during pregnancy, lead can cause premature birth.[6] Lead exposure has even been linked to autism, prostate cancer, and reproductive problems for both men and women.[7] It’s damaging to the cardiovascular system and kidneys, too.[8]

4. Mercury

Although mercury is a naturally occurring element, “natural” does not mean “safe.” Mercury is extremely toxic and can cause brain damage, blindness, nerve damage, cognitive disability, impairment of motor functions, headaches, weakness, muscle atrophy, tremors, mood swings, memory loss, and skin rashes.
A byproduct of mining and industrial practices, mercury vapor can linger in the atmosphere and ride the winds halfway around the globe.[9]

5. PCBs

PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, are chemicals used for industrial purposes such as insulation, machinery, oil, paints, adhesives, electronics, and fluorescent lights.
Although PCBs were banned in 1979, they’re still present in landfills and pose a danger to the environment. PCBs break down slowly and infiltrate the environment. They have been found in snow and sea water thousands of miles from where they were produced.[10]
Animal tests have found PCBs to cause cancer and negatively affect the immune, reproductive, nervous, and endocrine systems.[11]

6. Arsenic

Arsenic, despite being poisonous, is used in a multitude of industrial processes. Environmental contamination may result from improper waste disposal, or from poorly-planned wells that hit a natural source.[12]
Arsenic poisoning can cause vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and even death in severe cases. Long-term exposure can lead to skin cancer, lung cancer, and bladder cancer. In Taiwan, arsenic causes “blackfoot disease,” a type of gangrene that causes blood vessels to die and rot.[12]

7. Perchlorate

Perchlorates are a key ingredient in rocket fuel and explosives. They dissolve easily and seep into groundwater from military and industrial sites. It’s believed that perchlorates have contaminated much of the Colorado river.[13] The problem is severe; almost all humans will test positive for perchlorates, which attack the thyroid.

8. Dioxins

Dioxins are released during combustion, such as burning of hazardous waste, forest fires, cigarette smoke, and burning oil and coal. They settle in the environment and destroy water sources.[14]
Short term exposure can cause lesions and respiratory problems. Long-term exposure can affect the immune, nervous, endocrine, and reproductive systems. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has declared dioxins are carcinogenic. In developing fetuses, dioxin poisoning can cause birth defects or stillbirth.[15]

9. DDT (Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane)

DDT was used as an insecticide in the 1940s to combat insect-borne diseases like malaria and typhus. It had widespread use as an agricultural insecticide until it was banned in the United States in 1972 due to environmental concerns.[16]
It remains in use in other parts of the world and is still a major health concern for all of us. DDT molecules are persistent and can travel vast distances in the atmosphere.[17]
Animal testing has found DDT causes reproductive problems and liver damage. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has declared DDT is a cancer risk.[18]

10. HCB

Until 1965, HCB, or Hexachlorobenzene, was used as a pesticide. Production has been banned, but it is still formed as a byproduct from the production of other chemicals. A large dose can result in death. Smaller doses can lead to liver disease and skin lesions. The EPA has classified HCB as a probable cancer source.[19]
In Anatolia, Turkey in the late 1950’s, over 4500 people suffered HCB poisoning as a result of tainted grain. Over 500 people died, including children. 30 years later, follow-up studies found that the breast milk of women in the area still contained up to 150 times the amount of HCB allowed in cow’s milk.[20]

11. Dacthal

Dacthal (dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate, or DCPA) is an herbicide that contaminates soil and water sources. Unlike HBA and DDT, Dacthal is still in use today. Animal tests have found dacthal damages the adrenal glands, kidneys, liver, thyroid, and spleen.[21][22]

12. MtBE

MtBE (methyl tertiary-butyl ether) is a gasoline additive that can render large quantities of groundwater completely undrinkable. In 1996, the city of Santa Monica, CA found this out the hard way and the city had to shut down 50% of its water supply and pay for replacement water.[23]
The health effects of MtBE are not understood. Animal tests have linked it to kidney damage, seizures, and problems with fetal development.[24]

Further Concerns and Safety

I need to clear up a common misconception. Some people are under the impression that they can remove toxins from water by boiling it. Boiling water kills harmful organisms but does nothing to remove toxic chemicals, compounds, salts, and metals.
This is by no mean a complete list of all the toxins that might be in drinking water. Please keep informed of water quality issues in your area. If poor-quality tap water is a problem for you, I recommend investing in a quality water filter or glass-bottled distilled water.
Do you have any water quality horror stories? Please leave a comment below and share your experience with us.

References (23)
  1. "Are You Fluoridated? - Kelly Brogan MD." 2015. 8 Mar. 2016.
  2. "Toxicological Profile for Chlorophenols." ATSDR's Toxicological Profiles Web Version (2002): n. pag. Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.
  3. Facts about Chlorine." CDC. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.
  4. O'Malley, Gerald F., DO. "Chlorine Toxicity." : Practice Essentials, Background, Pathophysiology. Medscape, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.
  5. Cecil, Kim M., Christopher J. Brubaker, Caleb M. Adler, Kim N. Dietrich, Mekibib Altaye, John C. Egelhoff, Stephanie Wessel, Ilayaraja Elangovan, Richard Hornung, Kelly Jarvis, and Bruce P. Lanphear. "Decreased Brain Volume in Adults with Childhood Lead Exposure." PLoS Medicine. Public Library of Science, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.
  6. "Learn about Lead." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.
  7. "Relationship between chronic lead toxicity and plasma neurotransmitters in autistic patients from Saudi Arabia." National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.
  8. Telisman, Spomenka, Bozo Colak, Alicia Pizent, Jasna Jurasovic, and Petar Cvitkovic. Lead Toxicity May Be Associated with Reproductive Toxicity and Prostate Cancer Initiation in Men." GreenMedinfo, 16 June 2007. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.
  9. "Basic Information about Mercury." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.
  10. "Learn about Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)" EPA, 8 Apr. 2013. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.
  11. "Health Effects of PCBs." EPA, 13 Jun. 2013. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.
  12. "Arsenic." World Health Organization, Dec. 2012. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.
  13. "Technical Fact Sheet – Perchlorate." EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency (n.d.): n. pag. Environmental Protection Agency, Jan. 2014. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.
  14. "Learn about Dioxin." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, 10 Dec. 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.
  15. "Dioxins and Their Effects on Human Health." World Health Organization. World Health Organization, June 2014. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.
  16. "DDT - A Brief History and Status." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, 5 Nov. 2015. Web. 11 Feb. 2016.
  17. "DDT." Eco-USA. Eco-USA, n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2016.
  18. "IARC Monographs Evaluate DDT, Lindane, and 2,4-D." International Agency for Research on Cancer (n.d.): n. pag. IARC. World Health Organization, 23 June 2015. Web. 11 Feb. 2016.
  19. "Hexachlorobenzene." United States Environmental Protection Agency, Jan. 2000. Web. 11 Feb. 2016.
  20. "Issues: Health. Healthy Milk, Healthy Baby: Chemical Pollution and Mother's Milk: Hexachlorobenzene." NRDC. National Resources Defense Council, 22 May 2001. Web. 11 Feb. 2016.
  21. Us Epa, Office Of Water (Ow). "Summary from the Health Advisory (HA) for Dacthal and Dacthal Degradates (Tetrachloroterephthalic Acid and Monomethyl Tetrachloroterephthalic Acid)." Summary from the Health Advisory for Dacthal and Dacthal Degradates (Tetrachloroterephthalic Acid (n.d.): n. pag. Environmental Protection Agency. Web. 11 Feb. 2016.
  22. Cox, By Caroline. "DCPA (Dacthal)." Journal of Pesticide Reform 11.3 (1991): 17-20. Web. 11 Feb. 2016.
  23. "Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE): Drinking Water." Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2016.
  24. "MTBE: What Is MTBE?" American Cancer Society, 17 July 2014. Web. 11 Feb. 2016.

10 Scary Side Effects Of Sleep Deprivation

Saturday, March 3, 2018

ALERT: Incurable Chinese Bacterial Disease spreading

If you’re an American citizen over the age of 55, please see the following public health warning…

A deadly new disease from China is about to spread to the United States…

And there is NO CURE.

View Citizen’s Warning below. Note: May contain disturbing images.

It’s called the Chinese Klebsi Plague and your doctor does not know about it (Why? See this).

To stay safe, every American senior should view
this brief presentation now.


Susan White
Executive Director, Alliance for Advanced Health

P.S. This new bacterial disease shuts down your lungs and other vital organs. Chinese hospitals have already seen death rates as high as 100%. Find out when it will get to your town by
clicking here.
AMERICAN SENIORS BEWARE: If you were born before 1961, you are at immediate risk. 100% Death Rate.