Due to the damaging chemicals so prevalent in our food, water and environment, Phase 1 involves an intensive cleansing and nourishing of the body. This phase is designed to address the causes of obesity and prepare your body for the Phase 2 Protocol.
You must follow this phase for 30 days before moving on to Phase 2.
This Phase Should Not Be Skipped and is ESSENTIAL to the success of the protocol.
Many have reported impressive weight loss during this phase alone.
Minimum Requirements for Phase 1:
Complete the following cleanses:
- Colon Cleanse
- Heavy Metal Clease
Take the following supplements:
- 3Lac
- Whole Food Supplement
- Digestive Enzymes
- Probiotics
- Vitamin E
- Omega 3
- Acetyl-L Carnitine
Drink the following liquids:
- Drink 1/2 - 1 gallon pure, filtered, cool (not iced) water steeped with coral calcium daily.
- Drink at least 1 cup each of the following teas: Wu-Long, Green, Yerba Mate & Chamomile Teas.
Lifestyle Changes:
We understand that this phase will most likely involve a complete reshaping of your lifestyle which can be very overwhelming, time consuming and expensive. Therefore, we have attempted to scale this phase down to a bare minimum. In addition to the minimum requirements we recommend you invest in the following lifestyle changes as time and budget allow:
- Personal EMF Eliminator
- Home EMF Eliinator
- Cell Phone EMF Eliminator
- Reverse Osmosis System
- Shower Filter
- Rebounder
- Sauna
- Learn & Practice the Callahan Technique
- Learn & Practice Dr. Coldwell's Techniques
In addition you need to follow the eating and exercise guidelines, which are outlined in the free Weight Loss Cure Guides that accompany all Weight Loss Cure products.
We understand that this protocol can be overwhelming so we have compiled all of these products into convenient packages. Both cleanses and all the supplements are included in the Supplement Package. The coral calcium sachets and all the teas are included in the Weight Loss Cure Tea Package. Lasty we've compiled an affordable package of lifestyle changes, called the Quick Start Package. The remaining lifestyle changes can be purchased below as well.
For more detailed instructions on Phase 1 of the Weight Loss Cure Protocol, please reference pgs. 76-92 in The Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You To Know About.
It is during this phase that you will take an oral alternative supplement and follow the strict low-calorie diet. During this phase you will cease taking all other supplements, but will continue to drink all the products included in the Weight Loss Cure Tea Package. It is recommended that you spend 45 days in Phase 2.
Phase 2 is the CORE weight loss portion of the protocol.
If you do not reach your weight loss goal by the end of the 45 days you still MUST stop Phase 2 treatment and return to Phase 1 for SIX weeks before beginning your second 45-day Phase 2 cycle.
Minimum Requirements for Phase 2:
Continue to drink the following liquids:
- Drink 1/2 - 1 gallon pure, filtered, cool (not iced) water steeped with coral calcium daily.
- Drink at least 1 cup each of the following teas: Wu-Long, Green, Yerba Mate & Chamomile Teas.
Take an Oral Alternative Supplement :
The Natural Cures Store is proud to offer two alternative supplement products for use during the Phase 2 Protocol:
- OraThin Oral Alternative - for those wanting an herbal alternative. Guaranteed to work just as well. See the testimonials.
- Hormadral Oral Alternative Liquid - for those looking for a liquid alternative. Also guaranteed to work just as well.
In addition you need to follow the eating and exercise guidelines, which are outlined in the free Weight Loss Cure Guides that accompany all Weight Loss Cure products.
Below you will find all the products you need to complete Phase 2 of the Weight Loss Cure Protocol.
For more detailed instructions on Phase 2 of the Weight Loss Cure Protocol, please reference pgs. 92-98 in The Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You To Know About.
The purpose of Phase 3 is to reset the body weight, metabolism rate and hypothalamus.
This phase must be started IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING the completion of Phase 2 and must be followed for 21 days.
Phase 3 Protocol
Dr. A.T.W Simeons discovered this weight loss protocol over fifty years ago. Since then tens of thousands of people have used it and achieved exciting weight loss results.
Shockingly, this protocol has been mocked, discredited, and hidden by medical establishments all over the world. Now, for the first time in 50 years, Kevin Trudeau lays it out and tells all.
Minimum Requirements for Phase 3:
During this phase you will continue drinking all the products included in the Weight Loss Cure Tea Package and will resume taking all the products included in the Supplement Package.
In addition you need to follow the eating and exercise guidelines, which are outlined in the free Weight Loss Cure Guides that accompany all Weight Loss Cure products.
You may need to refill some of the teas and supplements at this point. They may be purchased individually on the Natural Supplements page.
For more detailed instructions on Phase 3 of the Weight Loss Cure Protocol, please reference pgs. 99-105 in The Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You To Know About.
Phase 4 Protocol
Dr. A.T.W Simeons discovered this weight loss protocol over fifty years ago. Since then tens of thousands of people have used it and achieved exciting weight loss results.
Shockingly, this protocol has been mocked, discredited, and hidden by medical establishments all over the world. Now, for the first time in 50 years, Kevin Trudeau lays it out and tells all.
Phase 4 starts the first day of the rest of your life.
Minimum Requirements for Phase 4:
Phase 4 begins with some deep cleansing. The full-body cleanse kit listed below include all the components necessary to cleanse your entire body. In fact, it is recommended that you do a full-body cleanse once a year.
It is also recommended that you continue taking all the products in both the Weight Loss Cure Tea Package and the Supplement Package. All these products may be purchased individually on the Natural Supplements page.
For more detailed instructions, please reference pgs. 105-114 in The Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want You To Know About
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