Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Cancer Cure Shot Down By The FDA

Dear Friend,
Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski might have been born in Poland...
But if you - or a loved one - want to ward off cancer...
Then you can consider him an American Hero betrayed by the medical establishment.
Graduating from med school at just 24-years-old, Dr. Burzynski was a true medical prodigy.
And back in the 1970s, he noticed most “mainstream” cures like chemo and radiation did not extend life.
In fact, they made cancer WORSE.
He knew there had to be a better way. And late one night, Dr. Burzynski made the discovery of the century.
Dr. Burzynski discovered there’s a certain peptide that "turns on" cancer killing genes... and also switches OFF cancer causing genes at the same time.
The best part? It’s completely natural and has no side effects.
But is it effective?
You’d better believe it!
In Dr. Burzynski’s patients, the success rate of this strange peptide was MUCH better than chemo or any other “toxic” cancer treatment.
For example, 11-year-old Jessica Ressel had an incurable brain tumor. But after Dr. Burzynski gave Jessica a healthy dose of his remarkable formula... An MRI scan revealed Jessica’s tumor had vanished!
Today, Jessica is a healthy, cancer-free woman with her own family... All thanks to Dr. Burzynski’s “miracle” therapy.
Excited to get folks OFF chemo and save millions, Dr. Burzynski revealed his discovery to the FDA and National Cancer Institute.
The lackeys at the FDA saw Dr. Burzynski as a threat to their billion-dollar cancer profit machine. So, they swooped in and tried to revoke his medical license not once... but THREE times.
Over $60 million of taxpayer money was used to shut him down.
And it gets even more sinister:
FDA scientists tried to reverse engineer and STEAL his formula. Yet they failed time after time.
Luckily, another rogue MD — Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez — concocted a similar treatment based on Dr. Burzynski’s discovery. And health experts say this astonishing protocol could be the “magic key” to finally kicking cancer to the curb forever.
And for the first time publicly...
Dr. Gonzalez revealed The Gonzalez Protocol -- a simple, three-pronged system that kills cancer cells -- in a private interview.
And it’s just one of dozens of other underground “cures” included in a FREE report that includes simple, little-known remedies for 7 of the world’s most dangerous diseases.
If you’re remotely interested in taking the power out of the hands of the government bureaucrats... achieving optimal health… and living a long, active, PAIN-FREE life… Click here now to learn more.

To Living Pain Free,

Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS
Founder, The Healthy Back Institute

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Truth About Blindness

The Truth About Blindness

If we told you that someone was blind, what would your first assumption about them be? It would probably be that they have no sight, right? Blind people on TV, movies, and in commercials are always portrayed this way.
I mean, the story of Ray Charles is incredible. A blind pianist? Many people can’t even play the instrument with full vision.
However, no matter how incredible a story about a blind person may be, stories are often exaggerated. In fact, nobody experiences blindness the same way. We’re constantly bombarded with stereotypes surrounding blindness that some of the facts have gotten lost.
The Truth About BlindnessToday, we want to take a closer look at the eyes of a blind person. Let’s explore the realities of blindness and how blind doesn’t always mean no vision.
Defining Blindness
Strictly speaking, when someone is legally blind, they cannot see at all. When someone is blind, they are recognized by the state as someone having no vision.
Now the stereotypes make sense. We have a poor definition of blindness, which gives us a false sense of what it really is. The truth is blindness goes by many names that you’ve heard before right here on our blog.
Blindness is often used as a relative term to describe people with low vision or severe vision impairments. As you may know, low vision and vision impairments don’t always mean total blindness.
People living with different degrees of blindness will be able to perceive anything from nothing to shapes and light.
Blindness Causes
While some babies are born with blindness, this is not the case for many. The majority of the time, blindness is caused by another eye disease or eye infection. The condition can sometimes be tough to pin down because so many different factors come into play.
Born Blind
When a baby is born blind, often it is the result of the eyes not forming properly. Researchers aren’t too sure what causes the eyes not to form the way that they should. Just like no one is too sure why some babies are born with longer eye balls or shorter ones. Both of these deformities can cause myopia and hyperopia.
The most widely accepted theory to explain why some babies are born blind is genetics. If blindness caused by eye deformities runs in the family, there is a chance of it being passed on to an unborn child. However, a number of complications during pregnancy can also cause blindness in babies.
In some very rare cases, blindness in newborns can be caused by congenital cataracts. Cataracts are typically associated with aging eyes. However, in babies, cataracts are often caused by diseases, illnesses, or disorders experienced by the mother during pregnancy.
Age-Related Eye Diseases
The leading causes of blindness in the world are due to age-related eye diseases. This includes cataracts, macular degeneration and glaucoma.
Cataracts is a disease that cause the lens of the eye to become clouded. When this happens and goes untreated it will affect a person’s central vision. Often the disease will affect both eyes. In some rare cases, one eye may be affected while the other may not.
Glaucoma is another disease that can cause blindness. Glaucoma is caused by the intraocular pressure. When the fluid pressure in the eye is too high, it begins to press down on the optic nerve. This can cause severe and irreversible damage to a person’s vision.
Macular degeneration is a disease that can realistically occur at any age. It mostly affects adults over the age of 60. In fact, as we get older, we will most likely all experience macular degeneration. The disease can be delayed through adopting a proper eye-healthy diet. However, it cannot be prevented entirely.
The disease is exactly what it sounds like – the degeneration of the macula. The macula is found at the center of the retina. This disease is irreversible and there is no known cure for it.
Diabetic Retinopathy
Not all blindness is caused by age-related diseases. Another leader in blindness-causing conditions is diabetic retinopathy. This disease can affect anyone with diabetes.
Diabetic retinopathy causes the blood vessels in the retina to grow abnormally and leak fluid into the eye. In the early stages of the disease, the leaking will cause black spots to appear in a person’s central vision. Over time, as the disease progresses, it will lead to total blindness.
Finally, the last cause on our list is injury. Eye injuries, depending on how serious they are, can cause different degrees of blindness. A blunt hit to the eye may detach a retina and cause your vision to be severely impaired for the rest of your life.
However, it isn’t only eye injuries that can cause blindness. Head injuries, such as a concussion, can also cause blindness. It can happen when the part of the brain that deals with vision isn’t able to properly function and process images being sent to it from the optic nerve.
What Do Blind People See?
This is a tough question to answer. Ideally, if you know a person who is blind, you would ask them. Every blind person will give you a different answer. Blindness is a very personalized affliction. The following are only generalizations about what a blind person would see.
Someone born blind, for example, will likely have no vision at all. All they will be able to perceive is darkness. That being said, some people born with blindness claim to be able to see the light from the sun and other very strong lights.
Those who unfortunately find themselves in a late stage of diabetic retinopathy will experience a type of blindness similar to those born with blindness. The fluid leaking into the eye will cause complete blindness.
For blindness that is caused by age-related diseases, a person may be able to perceive much more. Blindness caused by age-related diseases is considered “low vision”. Someone with low vision may not be able to make out details, but they can see contrasts between dark and light. Colors may also be perceived, but only if something contrasts them.
Blindness caused by eye injuries will really depend on the individual. While some only experience mild vision impairment, some may find themselves completely blind.
Blindness is not the difference between being able to see and not see. It isn’t so black and white. There are different degrees of blindness based on its causes. Everyone experiences it differently. The important part is that we support those living with blindness and continue to research ways to restore lost vision.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Cell Phone-Induced Bodily Harm: How The Bees Can Help

Cell Phone-Induced Bodily Harm: How The Bees Can Help

Cell Phone-Induced Bodily Harm: How The Bees Can Help
Did you know that your cell phone technically microwaves your brain?  And did you know that natural substances have proven radioprotective properties that can reduce your risk of adverse exposures? 
Cell phones and the communications infrastructure that makes them possible are ubiquitous today, making complete avoidance of their significant radiotoxicy next to impossible.  Plenty of evidence already exists showing that cell phones emit a type of electromagnetic radiation -- in the microwave range -- capable of adversely affecting a wide range of organs, with the nervous system of those exposed perhaps most sensitive to its adverse effects. Below is a sampling of some of their adverse health effects as demonstrated in the biomedical literature:
Provocative research indicates that the problems associated with cell phone radiation exposure are far more profound that previously believed.  In fact, pregnant women may need to exercise additional caution in order to protect their unborn from adverse neurological effects associated with cell phone radiation exposure.
In a study entitled, "The influence of microwave radiation from cellular phone on fetal rat brain," and published in the journal Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine in 2012, researchers discovered that pregnant rats exposed to microwave radiation from cellular phones had fetuses whose brains showed signs of harm, as measured by enhanced oxidative stress and altered levels of neurotransmitters.
We also reported more recently on clinical research indicating that as little as 15 minutes of "talk time" can profoundly alter and disrupt brain wave activity intimately connectd to cognition, mood, and behavior:  Brain Wave Warping Effect of Mobile Phones.
For a concise explanation of the mechanisms behind cell-phone induced damage, watch Dr. Chris Busby's video on the topic below:

Natural, Evidence-Based Ways to Protect Against Cell Phone Radiation

Given the wide range of potential risks associated with cell phones, we have plumbed the depths of MEDLINE in search of research on natural substances capable of ameliorating cell-phone associated toxicities.
Surprisingly, the little known bee product known as propolis exhibits powerful protective action against cell-phone induced damage to a variety of organs, including the kidney, heart and brain.
Once believed to function merely as mortar for plugging up small holes in the bee hive, propolis is now understood to have powerfully protective properties, such as its antimicrobial activity. The bees even use it to mummify animals that make their way into the hive, e.g. lizards, that they can not physically remove before they undergo putrefaction. Propolis' infection-fighting properties, however, are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to its potential beneficial effects.
While there are over 100 potential therapeutic applications of propolis documented in the biomedical literature, propolis' radioprotective properties are perhaps the most intensely investigated and well established. We have, in fact, indexed 15 such studies on its ability to reduce radiation-induced damage, including gamma radiation commonly associated with medical diagnostic and radiotherapy procedures which you can view here.
Other substances capable of protecting against the radiation specific to the mobile phone range include melatonin, EGCG (green tea polyphenol), ginkgo biloba and the glutathione precursor NAC. To view the studies click the image below.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Natural Stop Smoking Cure

The Natural Stop Smoking Cure    
They say Stopping smoking is the easiest thing in the world to do….Most smokers have quit hundreds of times!
In all seriousness, we know how difficult it can be to stop smoking and natural solutions seem to often be in short supply. People often ask, what Kevin Trudeau’s secret natural cure for stopping smoking was from his book.
Having known Kevin and asked him personally I can reveal that after trying every conceivable method, the one that finally worked was the easyway method by Allen Carr.
No drugs, no patches and certainly no e-cigarettes. Just a great book, with an effective remedy
You can order the book directly from Amazon by clicking here.
We also took a deep dive in to the archives, and found this NC_Newsletter_07-10

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Overcoming panic attacks

Overcoming panic attacks

panic attacks can be brought on by a large number of events. These events could be physical or psychological. Controlling these panic attacks often has much to do with what causes the attack. While there is no one way to cure panic attacks, there are ways to reduce the effects and ways to learn how to get rid of social anxiety disorder, one of the most common causes of panic attacks.
Physical reasons of anxiety attack symptoms can range from hitting puberty to hypertension, and cover everything in between. When talking to one’s doctor about panic attacks, which one should do if experiencing such attacks, one’s doctor may test for things like high cholesterol, diabetes, pregnancy, and diet imbalances. If any of these disorders are apparent, than that may be the source of the panic attacks and treating the disorder can cure panic attacks all together.
Other physical reasons for panic attacks can be an over abundance of stimulants in one’s system. Too much caffeine or nicotine has been known to cause panic attacks. Cutting back on both or quitting all together can effectively eliminate anxiety caused by stimulants. Practicing ways to relieve stress can also help to provide anxiety solutions. Easing the amount of stress in one’s day and life has been shown to decrease the number of attacks one has. This relief can be easily achieved by practicing stress reducing techniques such as meditation and self-worth and self-pampering techniques, allowing one to focus on one’s self.
Psychological panic attacks are much more difficult to treat and can often lead to chronic anxiety if the proper steps are not taken to find ways to relieve anxiety. If panic attacks are the cause of a phobia, than exposure to that phobia in a controlled setting is one of the strategies to reduce anxiety. Once one realizes that the fear is completely unfounded and does not need to be there, one often has less anxiety and fewer anxiety attacks.
One last physical reason for panic attacks is the chemical imbalance of the brain. This has been known to cause problems with one’s psychological welfare for some time now. If this is the case, the doctor can prescribe anti-depressants and/or beta-blockers to attempt to regulate the brain’s chemicals. These chemicals can be thrown off by anything, but one good way to keep them in balance is to eat a healthy diet and get plenty of rest every night.
Cures for social anxiety often take the path of exposure as well. Most people feel a slight panic attack when speaking before important people and large groups. For those whose attacks are heavier, this can be handled with practice, confidence and relaxation techniques such as controlled breathing and relaxing away from the event before speaking. If a panic attack should occur during the presentation, controlled breathing and focusing on the task can assist in curing the attack or at least controlling it.
To stop cure a panic attack that is currently happening, there are no one-way answers. The most common method of controlling a panic attack is to breathe deeply and try to relax. The panic attack is one’s body over reacting to stress, and the cure is to regain the control of one’s body. This is often done by controlling the breathing but can also be obtained by distracting the body and mind from the stressful situation. This can include taking a quick walk, singing, whistling, or talking.
For help for anxiety attacks, make sure one talks to his or her doctor. The doctor is able to assist in many ways and teach one how to deal with panic attacks. No medication or actions should be taken without the supervision of a trained professional, one’s doctor.

Dealing With Anxiety Panic Attack Symptoms Naturally

Had Your First Anxiety Panic Attack And Terrified Of Another One?
If you know what it’s like to have a panic attack it’s justifiable that you’re terrified of experiencing another anxiety panic attack with its symptoms. The fear builds up day by day that you have to endure another one so much so that there is a disturbing sense of detachment and still the overwhelming fear of dying. These are only two of the symptoms that could shake you to your very core. Even experiencing just one of them is traumatizing enough to make you fear another attack.
It’s perfectly normal to become trapped in this situation and your first thought is to find an anxiety attack panic treatment, hoping that the treatment will give you comfort and refuge from your anxiety. It’s really a dilemma because your fear traps you and that same fear traps you into a vicious cycle. It makes you suffer one attack after another and each grows larger after each one.
What About Medications?
The natural reaction is to find a medication which is one of the first and most popular anxiety attack panic treatments. What you’re looking for is a medication that will hopefully provide comfort and refuge from your anxiety. Many people who suffer from several of the anxiety panic attack symptoms count on drugs such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and benzodiazepines to reduce the frequency of their attacks.
It’s unfortunate that medication only alleviates the problem temporarily and will never completely do away with it. It’s a quick and convenient fix but it cannot address the problem the way natural cures for panic attacks can do so. Another problem with medications is that they allow the body to develop some tolerance to their effectiveness, and eventually that tolerance will render them little more than useless. If this isn’t enough, there’s another cause of concern using them in that they can raise issues of side effects and possible withdrawal complications.
Dealing with anxiety panic attack symptoms utilizing natural means is not only safer, but far more effective in the long run.
There are several natural cures for panic attacks which are actually techniques of coping with the attacks if and when they return. Such techniques such as breathing techniques, visualization, and muscle relaxation are some of the most common coping methods, and if you utilize consistent practice they can prove to be very effective.
More Radical Methods Of Dealing With panic attacks
Some require a tremendous amount of commitment from those who suffer these panic attack symptoms.

The basic idea behind these techniques is to expose the victims to the worst panic attacks have to to offer and hopefully make them to realize that there’s really nothing to be frightened of.
Typically symptom inductions are one way of utilizing shock therapy which recreates anxiety panic attack symptoms. The symptoms include shortness of breath, increased heart rate, dizziness, trembling and palpitations through basic exercises and other practical means. The body becomes used to experiencing the symptoms of panic attacks after undergoing treatment for some time, and won’t be as affective by subsequent attacks.
Other types of shock therapy actually induce victims to panic attacks and make them ride out the attacks as best they can. The idea behind this is to show the victims that a panic attack will not harm them in any way, regardless of what they might be thinking when they go through the anxiety panic attack symptoms. With this knowledge if and when the victims experience future attacks they won’t be a jarring as before.
Benefits Of Natural Methods
Natural methods have long-term effects and have even been credited for eliminating attacks entirely.
Realize of course that they aren’t as quick as medications, but they are not as short lived. By sticking to natural cures for panic attacks symptoms they offer the sufferers the opportunity to get rid of their anxiety panic attack symptoms permanently. A convenience you shouldn’t pass up.

Anxiety Panic Attack Symptoms – Stop Living in Fear!

It comes in many forms, and in many situations. You wake up suddenly, your heart is pounding, you’re sweating bullets and, you can hardly breathe. Or maybe you are just about to go into a job interview, or make a speech. You heart starts racing, you’re sweating, your whole body is shaking and you get dizzy. You think maybe you’re going crazy or that you’re going to die. Fear begets fear and panic begets panic and within moments you are convinced that you really are dying.
Welcome to your first panic attack. You’ve just experienced some of the most common anxiety panic attack symptoms.
The good news is – you’re not going to die, you’re not going crazy, and you’re definitely not alone. Studies show that 75% of people worldwide have, or will, experience anxiety panic attack symptoms at least once in their lifetime.
Your first panic attack is an extremely traumatic experience. This often leads people to develop an uncontrollable fear of recurrent attacks, thus exacerbating the problem. The fear of the attack itself can actually trigger another attack.
This fear feeds on itself, growing and growing until the victim’s life is affected. They may start to withdraw from the world, shutting themselves in, in an effort to protect themselves from the life events that can sometimes trigger the anxiety panic attack symptom.
Anxiety Explained
All animals, humans included, have natural self-preservation instincts. This instinct is normal and necessary to survival. It is what triggers the body to release certain chemicals and hormones into the bloodstream that allow us to react to the threat at hand. Think back to the last time you had a scare. Maybe it was a close call with an automobile accident, or maybe you narrowly avoided being hit by a bus. That instant physical reaction that allowed you to react so quickly and instinctively was what we often refer to as the “fight or flight” reaction.
Anxiety and panic attacks happen when that system misfires, causing our bodies to engage the “fight or flight” reaction even when there is no danger. Our panic stems in part from a lack of understanding of the source of the fear, and how we’re supposed to react to it. Because we don’t know whether to fight or flee, we feel vulnerable to our fear, completely oblivious to the fact that there is no real threat.
Unfortunately, after the horror of the first attack, many panic attack sufferers end up with subsequent attacks being one of their greatest fears. This fear can quickly consume the victim. Ironically, this often leads to another attack.
The fear of having another attack makes us all the more vulnerable to future attacks because we dwell on the fear and blow it out of proportion, causing a trigger-happy alarm. Conversely, by refusing to dwell on the fear of once again falling victim to anxiety panic attack symptoms, the chances of us falling prey to another panic attack are considerably reduced.
The best tip for panic attack avoidance is to not be afraid of having one. You don’t need medication and other so-called anxiety attack panic treatments. Anyone can avoid panic attacks by being prepared to take them on.
Another tip for panic attacks – be proactive. Don’t bother looking for an anxiety attack panic treatment that will reduce the frequency of your attacks. Look for effective methods of facing them head on. By dealing with your anxiety panic attack symptoms, you are putting yourself in control of anxiety, instead of letting the anxiety control you.

Anxiety Panic Attack Symptoms – Choosing Treatment

Anxiety panic attack symptoms are frightening. I’ll bet that when your first panic attack struck, you

could not breathe, you were sweating, shaking, and dizzy. Your heart was probably pounding so hard and

fast you thought you were going insane, and felt detached from reality. Each time an attack comes, it is

the same thing all over again. You area far from unique, though; these are common anxiety panic attack

This is not meant to imply that you area just a statistic, but meant to provide comfort and reassurance

that you are not alone. A lot of people can relate to your plight, which is why there area a number of

anxiety panic attack treatments to choose from.
Many doctors as well panic attack victims recommend medication for several reasons, especially for the

convenience. There is no shortage of people who area pleased with the results of taking medication, and

feel comfortable doing so.
Medication has a reputation for greatly reducing the frequency of panic attacks. The promise of

experiencing anxiety panic attack symptoms less often can be very alluring. However, there is a catch:

some of the more potent drugs may cause side effects, and the body builds up a certain tolerance to

medication over time.
Another reason medication is popular is because it offers more immediate relief. Although some of the

more conservative treatments take a few weeks to achieve results, some drugs take effect almost

immediately, providing an easy out for anyone experiencing acute stress.
There are also several anxiety attack panic treatments outside the medical arena that should be

considered. Many of these methods provide techniques on what to do when panic attacks strike. All of

these natural methods have proven their effectiveness in helping people cope with anxiety panic attack

Although natural treatment methods do not cut down the frequency of panic attacks as quickly as

medications can, they have definite long-term advantages. Many panic attacks are actually encouraged by

the fear of having an attack. By learning what to do when panic attack symptoms surface, victims

develop confidence in being able to handle the situation. Repeated success makes the fear factor ebb

with time, eventually permanently and effectively reducing the number of attacks.
While some people opt for medication as their anxiety attack panic treatment choice for the sake of

convenience as well as quicker relief, quite a few prefer natural cures because they offer a means to

develop lasting recovery.
Regardless of how often your panic attacks come and how bad your anxiety panic attack symptoms are,

there are several anxiety panic attack symptom treatments from which people can benefit. Medication may be for you if you area seeking quick relief and convenience. If you would rather eliminate panic

attacks completely over the long term, then natural treatment methods may be more appealing. My own

feeling is that if there is a way to permanently get rid of panic attacks, then by all means, take it.

How To Identify Anxiety Panic Attack Symptoms And Some Helpful Tips On To Weather Them

You Don’t Even Know What Hit You
Within seconds you find yourself on the floor, trembling and gasping for air. Sweat pours down your face, blurring your vision. Your heart pounds against your chest like a caged beast trying to break free. Dizziness follows and the world spins out of control. Nausea sets in and you feel as if you’re going to be ill.
You don’t even know what hit you, but you sure do know when. You won’t soon forget it; that terrifying moment when the anxiety panic attack symptoms grab hold of you.
The Symptoms of panic attacks
Suddenly, you feel as if the world isn’t real, and that you aren’t yourself. And that’s when fear takes hold of you and refuses to let go. In the wake of this nightmare you experience an overwhelming sense of foreboding; you feel as though you’re seconds away from losing yourself to a madness, an strange insanity is calling you, and that the very real specter of death looms right above you. It is truly that harrowing!
Even though its over in minutes, and even though you find that you’re still very much alive, you still feel deeply scarred from experiencing your first panic attack. Horrified as you are from having just gone through the anxiety panic attack symptoms, you come to realize that what you’re far more terrified of is the thought of having another.
This is exactly what happens when you experience your first panic attack. You are not alone. It’s happened to countless others, and for all I know, it could have already happened to you. You may have experienced just a few of these anxiety panic attack symptoms, but were fortunate enough to have avoided the rest. It’s also possible you’ve experienced all these symptoms and even several other symptoms, like chills or hot flashes.
What You Can Do To Cope With Panic Attack Symptoms
So now that you know how to identify them, what are you to do if another comes? Odds are that you will have another, so how are you supposed to pull through that experience again, when you feel like you barely survived the first one?
One important thing to bear in mind is that you didn’t survive the panic attack by chance. Regardless of the sensations you felt, no matter how intense, you were never really in danger of losing your mind or of dying. panic attacks may scare the dickens out of you and shock you to your very core, but it’s very unlikely that they’ll actually harm you. That’s the good news. But what about the prospect of having another?
panic attacks can occur at random or when you’re exposed to something that triggers your built-in panic alarm. There are several anxiety attack panic treatments and strategies you can use to calm yourself down, so you can ride out the panic attack without having your friends, family and co-workers believe you need to be rushed to an emergency room.
The first and most basic tip for panic attacks is to control your breathing – true, that’s often easier said than done since hyperventilation is one of panic attack’s common symptoms. The harder it is to breathe, the more panicked you will become! However, if you can compose yourself long enough to focus, you can start to slow down your breathing by slowly inhaling deeply and slowly, methodically blowing the air out through your mouth.
If you have trouble controlling your breathing, you could try relaxing your muscles. Tense each of your major muscle groups and hold the tension for a few seconds before slowly letting it go. Exhale as you relax your muscles. This will relax your body and make you feel as if you’re letting go of your anxiety each time you release the tension in your muscles.
Visualization is another effective anxiety attack panic treatment. Imagining yourself in a happy, safe and carefree environment can work wonders for your anxiety. Trying to think of something funny can reap significant benefits as well.
There Is Hope For Panic Attack Sufferers
These are just a couple of several techniques you can apply. Whatever you do, the best tip for panic attacks is to keep in mind that no harm will actually come to you during one. As horrifying as anxiety panic attack symptoms may seem, they really will pass. You will survive, but you need to arm yourself with the tools to deal with them.

Natural Panic Attack Cures – 5 Tips

panic attacks are sudden episodes of unknown cause that can make you feel that you are dying, suffocating, or having a heart attack. Symptoms can include an accelerated heartbeat, increased levels of perspiration, tightness in the chest, numbness in various parts of your body, and nausea.
Once you have had a panic attack, you will want to do everything in your power to prevent another one. One of the worst feelings in the world is having had a panic attack and being afraid that you are going to have another one: that fear can actually induce another attack in some circumstances.
Many people prefer natural cures for their panic attacks. Here are 5 tips for a natural cure.
Tip #1: Recognize the problem: If you suspect you are having panic attacks, you probably are. Some people who are having panic attacks fear they are going to have a heart attack: rest assured that your attack will not cause a heart attack in and of itself. Panic attacks – while terribly uncomfortable – are generally harmless in terms of long-term health effects. If you are having a panic attack while driving, it is best to pull over and wait it out. Apart from that, the attack should subside in maybe 10 or 20 minutes, and you may feel completely exhausted once the attack is over for up to hours later. Still, rest assured that you will be okay. The key is to recognize you have a problem that could well return unless you get help.
Tip #2: Gain control of your mind: During a panic attack, you might feel like you are going crazy. This is because your body is releasing adrenaline and other chemicals into your bloodstream at much higher rates than usual, causing your mind and body to react in very strange, unexpected ways. Just realize that you indeed are NOT going crazy. Try to take a series of deep, regular breaths. And, remove yourself from the situation which is causing the attack. Getting some fresh air and visiting an area with fewer people and crowds is often an effective way to end an attack.
Tip #3: Have the confidence to know you will make it through: It is important to know that you can get through this and to have the motivation to find a natural cure. Millions of other people have experienced panic attacks, and all of them have survived. However, some people do not do anything between attacks to try to seek help: they just wait for another attack to come. But, mid-attack, almost everyone wishes they had spent some time finding a cure.
Tip #4: Understand what is causing the attacks: People who have panic attacks often spend an inordinate amount of time trying to second-guess what caused their attack. Was it a lack of sleep? Poor diet? Too much caffeine? It is entirely possible than any one of these items could be triggering your attacks, but it is unlikely that it is the sole cause. Panic attacks may be caused by something in one’s past such as a traumatic event. Still, for most people, it is difficult to trace the cause of an attack to a single source. Luckily, knowing what originally caused you to be predisposed to having attacks in the first place is not necessary in order t find a natural cure.
Tip #5: Avoid the situations that cause the attacks: Many people who have had more than one panic attack start to see patterns in the situations that cause their attacks. Some people get them when they are feeling claustrophobic or when they are spending time in smoke-filled environments, for example. Whatever it is that seems to spark your attacks: while you are working out a cure, try to avoid those situations.
Panic attacks can be hellish and they can leave you feeling shaky, tired, and frustrated. Educate yourself now on how to prevent future attacks. You will thank yourself later.

Panic Attack and the Heart

Panic attack symptoms are often mistaken for a heart attack. When my wife began experiencing panic attacks, we ended up in the emergency room a couple of times. She experienced many of the usual symptoms such as rapid heart rate, weakness in her legs, sweaty hands and terror. Since she had never had a panic attack before, we assumed it was a heart attack and raced to the hospital. Like most panic attack victims, we were assured that these symptoms were harmless. Some recent research links panic attacks to heart attacks.
A recent study of over 3000 post menopausal women has linked panic attacks to heart attacks and strokes. Within the study group, women who were panic attack sufferers were almost four times as likely to have a heart attack or stroke as those who did not suffer panic attacks. The same was found in regards to strokes.
There are many risk factors for heart attacks. These include race, age, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, physical activity, heredity, previous heart attack or stroke, obesity, diabetes, excessive alcohol consumption and stress. The study mentioned above did take these other factors into account. The panic attack to heart attack link appears to be independent of the other risk factors.
The link between panic attacks and heart attacks and strokes in not clear. It is possible that women who are prone to panic attacks are also prone to heart attack or strokes. In addition, the study did not separate women who had suffered a panic attack in the past from those who were currently experiencing panic attacks. Obviously there is much more research to be done before any concrete conclusions can be drawn. However, this research does add panic attacks to the growing number of mental and emotional conditions that can be linked to negative physical effects.
If you suffer from panic attacks the first and most important step is to contact your doctor. There are many physical conditions that can trigger panic attacks. The quickest and easiest way to eliminate panic attacks is to treat the underlying medical condition if one exists. Don’t hesitate seeking out a doctor who specializes in treating patients with anxiety and panic disorders if you feel the least bit unsure of your doctors experience in this area.
This article is presented for informational purposes only. I am not a doctor so please don’t consider this medial advice.

3 Essential Ways Treating Anxiety Panic Attack Symptoms Naturally

Having to live with the consequences after an anxiety panic attack, the sufferer resolutely reaches the point of desperation. Sufferers will seek any possible solution(s) to control future anxiety panic attack symptoms. Good news is there are several options of treatment available. With that being said, due to so many different choices, finding the right one for each individual is an obstacle in itself. It becomes a matter of trial and error for the sufferer.
Well-known methods of treating the illness known as anxiety panic attacks is medication and natural cures for panic attack. The endless debates on whether or not which method of anxiety attack panic treatment is more effective continues to this day. A good portion of patients will choose to adopt both methods in their lives. And there will always be those, being afflicted with anxiety panic attacks, choosing to solely depend on medication alone or refuse any form of treatment involving medication.
In most cases, sufferers will have a tendency to swear by a sole method of treatment, and in turn cast a blind eye to the other. Having to endure my share of attacks, I chose to take the path of natural remedies. By no means am I a professional doctor or the poster child for treating this particular illness naturally. It’s based on the question of whether or not which method is the most effective in dealing with my own anxiety panic attack symptoms. It’s true that medications has helped many sufferers in dealing with their symptoms, but one must also recognize that there will always be symptoms in which pills are rendered to be ineffective. And this is where the approach of natural cures for panic attack comes in.
Listed below are my Top 3 reasons to deal with anxiety the natural way.
1. “Medications just don’t cut it”.
With the long list of symptoms such as shortness of breath, unsteady palpitations, sweating uncontrollably, light-headedness, trembling, feeling ‘out of it’, thoughts of losing all sanity and even thoughts of suicide; these are just a few among a host of many others not mentioned here, pills are no ‘cure-all’ for sufferers and the variety of symptoms. Only you know all the frightening symptoms running through your system when hit with an anxiety panic attack. Needless to say, there are countless sufferers who view medications as a godsend due to the fact it has the ability to greatly reduce the frequency of panic attacks by way of limiting our experiences with these symptoms. And with the added feelings of relaxation caused by medications, why wouldn’t people choose to take a pill or two to feel better while trying to navigate through a hectic and stressed lifestyle, also known as reality???
These people, also known as ‘pill-poppers’, are so convinced that medications will lessen the number of anxiety panic attack symptoms and eventually rid them of anxiety attacks altogether. Yes, it’s true that medications do provide the sense of relief and offers breathing room between attacks, but this is all temporary. Does it really reach for the source of the problem? Does it take away the fear that an anxiety attack brings to the sufferer? The answer is ‘NO’ because medications alone do not possess the ability to do away with anxiety completely. Sufferers relying solely on medication(s) fail to recognize that it only operates on a superficial level and the symptoms still exist.
2. Take back your life.
There is one very important ability that we all possess but tend to overlook is the natural method of coping or a natural cure for panic attack. In our lives we all experience some form of coping because it’s a matter of survival. The more you practice to cope with difficult situations, unpleasant thoughts, and even the anxiety panic attack symptoms, you are less likely to feel like a sitting duck when anxiety panic does attack. For those of you who take pills in order to cope and lead a normal lifestyle, the number of panic attacks drop. But what would happen to you when an anxiety attack does appear? Do you simply allow such symptoms to run its course and hope that you will live through it?
When you choose to depend on natural treatments to cope with anxiety panic attack symptoms, the success rate of surviving and being able to deal with them becomes higher. Even though medications do reduce the number of anxiety attacks, the natural coping methods decrease the unbearable fear of experiencing them by giving you the essential tools to fight them. Eventually, your anxiety attacks will lessen in severity, and slowly but surely they will leave you alone.
3. The Lasting Effects
As you may know, the effects of medication only last if you continue to take them regularly. If you ever decide to quit or stop taking them, you will find yourself back at square one. The alternative to taking medication is natural cures for panic attacks. Not only will you be well on the path to ridding these attacks completely, you will surely have the necessary experience to fight them off in the long run.
As I mentioned before, I’m not one to advocate one form of anxiety attack panic treatment and readily reject the other. Taking medication for anxiety attacks does help but it’s certainly not a good long term solution. The whole purpose here is to live a life free from the fear of anxiety panic attack symptoms. Personally for me, I believe in taking the natural approach to coping with panic attacks because it is an effective form of treatment that will last a lifetime, and not just a temporary solution.

Deal With Your Anxiety Panic Attack Symptoms the Natural Way

Almost all folks who experience going through a panic attack are terrorized of enduring an additional one, and who would blame them. The anxiety panic attack symptoms that they’ve lived through could rock anybody to their absolute essence. A distressful feeling of disengagement and a consuming dread of dying are only a couple of these symptoms, and either of them by itself is shocking enough to make them fearful of additional attacks.
Rather a quandary, viewing that the dread of a future attack can simply have them more inclined to having an attack. These concerns immobilizes them in a brutal circle; it causes them to put up with more and more attacks. It is entirely normal for those entrapped in this vicious circle to search for anxiety attack panic treatments with desires that these treatments will offer them solace and asylum from their anxiety.
Medicine is among the foremost and more common anxiety attack panic treatments. People who frequently endure a lot of of the anxiety panic attack symptoms depend on drugs such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and benzodiazepines to cut down the relative frequency of their attacks.
Regrettably, medicine simply helps to relieve the trouble temporarily, never entirely eliminating it. Furthermore, the persistent habit of taking medicine will permit the body to acquire several tolerance to its effects, finally yielding them little more than worthless. And as though this were not adequate for worry, medicine likewise brings up the matters of side effects and potential drug withdrawal ramifications.
Although medicine is a fast and favorable solution, it can not treat the problem by the means natural cures for panic attacks are able to. Treating these attacks by natural methods is more dependable and utmost more efficient in the end.
A handful of natural cures for panic attacks are in reality methods of contending with these attacks if and when they occur. Visual image, muscle relaxation behavior, and breathing methods are amongst the more common managing techniques, and with persistent use have borne witness to be really effectual.
On that point there are in addition to more revolutionary techniques of addressing panic attacks which involve a good deal of dedication from those who put up with its symptoms. The primary assumption of these methods is to expose the victims to the most awful panic attacks have to provide and have them recognize that there’s actually zero to be frightened of.
Symptom Inductions are an illustration of this form of shock treatment. This technique recreates anxiety panic attack symptoms like lightheadedness, breathlessness, shakiness, magnified heart rate and palpitations by fundamental exercises and other applicable methods. After going through treatment for a period of time, the person gets accustomed undergoing the symptoms of panic attacks and will not be as impacted by future attacks.
Related varieties of shock therapy call for really causing victims to have panic attacks and getting them to last out the attacks as much as they are able. The aim of this practice is to demonstrate to the victims that a panic attack wont hurt them in any event, in spite of what they may be imagining while they’re experiencing the anxiety panic attack symptoms. Fortified with that understanding, succeeding attacks (should they even come) will be nowhere as rough as earlier.
These natural techniques have long-term outcomes and have even been accredited for doing away with attacks completely. Acknowledged, they aren’t as fast a repair as medicine, only neither are they as temporary. Adhering to natural cures for panic attacks extends all sufferers the chance to do away with their anxiety panic attack symptoms for good.

Got a Panic Attack Symptom?

Let’s say that you have a lot of anxiety and maybe some odd feelings and you are wondering what is happening. You may have heard about anxiety and panic disorder and started to wonder if what you have is actually a panic attack symptom.
A lot of people do suffer panic disorders. Statistics show at least 6 million in the US alone will suffer from panic disorder and about 28 percent of the population will actually be formally diagnosed as having some type of anxiety disorder during their lives. Considering how many people do not ever get formally diagnosed, the incidence of serious anxiety problems is staggering.
Anxiety, of course, is actually a normal part of everyone’s life. Everybody experiences anxiety at one time or another. Likewise many people may suffer a panic attack but never develop a panic disorder. A panic disorder is a specific type of anxiety disorder though it can eventually lead to additional anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia because of the fear of experiencing a panic attack. Depression can also result because of the terrible effects a panic disorder has on a person’s life.
Anxiety can be seen as a negative experience of excitement related to the fight or flight response we have to challenging or dangerous situations. If you think carefully about the times you were very excited (in the positive sense) and compare some of the actual bodily sensations to those you experience when you are anxious, you will probably see some similarities.
As these reactions get stronger, they become increasingly more unpleasant and can create a cycle where they feed back on themselves and get worse. panic attacks move this to the outer limits of human experience. In addition, a panic disorder is characterized by recurring panic attacks and more than a single anxiety panic attack symptom. You might view the anxiety continuum as a sort of progression from mild anxiety to severe anxiety to a panic attack to a full blown panic disorder. Other anxiety disorders are also extremely painful and some can have equally bad or even worse consequences than a panic disorder.
One very common panic attack symptom is a sense of ‘impending doom’ – a feeling that something truly awful, but unknown, is going to happen. A sense of extreme fear, but without a specific object, is also a common symptom. The other main anxiety panic attack symptoms are:
* Fear of dying
* Fear of losing control
* Feelings of unreality or detachment (or both)
* Chest pain or discomfort
* Pounding or racing heart
* Nausea or upset stomach
* Numbness or tingling
* Trembling or shaking
* Sweating, chills, or hot flashes
* Shortness of breath
* A feeling of choking
* Dizziness or feeling faint
Looking at this list you can see why people who do experience a panic attack become afraid that another will occur. While no one will die from a panic attack and despite the fact that they usually peak in about 10 minutes and then subside, they are terrifying and some of the systems may persist.
In general, a person must suffer at least 4 of those panic attack symptoms with recurring episodes for a diagnosis of panic disorder. It is quite possible to have some of these symptoms with other anxiety conditions or an anxiety attack rather than a panic attack. A further consideration is that there are no identifiable triggering events for a panic attack. They seem to appear out of nowhere. People then often attribute them to some situation and start to avoid the situation. In some cases they become unable to leave their homes or they may develop other phobias. In at least some other anxiety disorders, triggering elements can be identified.
If you even suspect that you have experienced an anxiety panic attack, you need to do something about it now. Don’t wait and hope it will never happen again. The best – and easiest – way to deal with panic attacks is to do it as early as possible. You certainly don’t want to wait until recurring episodes have begun to wreck your life. Making changes in your thinking and behavior to deal with a panic disorder are much easier at the beginning.