Saturday, August 24, 2019

Toxins in our body

What comes out of the body Our bodies, in normal function, produce toxins. This is fine, as long as

our body's ability to eliminate these toxins is operating normally. Even if you put no toxins into Your body, your body would still create waste material and toxins. All toxins created by the body or

put into the body must be eliminated in order for us to be healthy. When toxins are allowed to
accumulate they cause the immune system to be suppressed, and the body to become acidic.
Accumulated toxins that have not been flushed out or eliminated allow the body to create an
environment where illness and disease can flourish.We basically eliminate toxins through:
· The nose
· The mouth
· The urinary tract
· The colon
· The skin
The nose and mouth eliminate toxins primarily by use of the lungs. Our urinary tract eliminates
toxins primarily through the kidneys and liver. The colon eliminates toxins primarily through the
liver, the stomach and small intestine. The skin eliminates toxins primarily through perspiration.
Most people today have excess accumulations of toxins and waste material in their bodies. The two
main reasons for this are: 1) they are putting huge amounts of toxins in their body on a regular
basis; 2) their elimination channels are clogged, slow, and sluggish.
When you put toxins in and your body creates toxins at a faster rate than you are eliminating those
toxins, you have a build-up and accumulation of poisons and toxins in the body. For example, are
your nasal and sinus cavities clear and mucus free? Do you breathe fully and deeply from your
diaphragm, allowing your lungs to do their job fully? Do you regularly breathe aerobically and
anaerobically? Do you sweat on a regular basis? Do you drink plenty of water, which allows all
elimination channels to work more efficiently? Do you have three bowel movements per day? A
few common things which slow the elimination process are:
· Antibiotics. If you have ever taken an antibiotic you have dramatically slowed your
elimination potential via the colon. Antibiotics kill all the friendly bacteria in the intestine
and colon. This allows unfriendly yeast, most notably candida, to grow abnormally and
infest your digestive system. This candida yeast overgrowth slows digestion, increases gas,
bloating and constipation, and itself creates an abnormal amount of toxins.
· Lotions and creams. Most people put lotions and creams all over their skin clogging the
pores and suppressing the natural elimination process through the skin. This would include
sunscreens, cosmetics, deodorants, and antiperspirants.
· Lack of body movement. Have you ever noticed when you take a dog for a walk, they
poop?When you move your body as nature intended, you increase the elimination process.
Since most people sit all day, their elimination cycles are suppressed. You should have three
bowel movements per day.When you eat food, it goes through the digestion process and
ends up in the colon ready for elimination. The food in the colon begins to putrefy and
become toxic. The longer it stays in the colon, the more toxic it becomes. If left long
enough, these toxins begin to enter the bloodstream. This can turn into a serious medical
condition resulting in death. Your body's elimination system must be working at optimal
levels if you want to live without illness and disease.
Exercise: In simplistic terms, there are seven kinds of exercise:
1. Slow rhythmic movement exercise. This is mainly walking. The body is designed to walk, for
long distances, and for long periods of time. The amount of walking in America varies per
geographic area. New Yorkers tend to walk more than people living in Dallas.When you go to
Europe or various other countries, people walk an average of eight to ten miles a day. In America
people walk an average of close to one-tenth of a mile a day. That is unbelievable. Walking is
probably the most important form of exercise you can do, and the healthiest compared to driving,
which increases stress. Now let's think about this for a moment. When you drive a car your stress
levels go up dramatically, which means your body becomes acidic.When you go for a walk, not
only are you getting the benefits of the exercise of the slow rhythmic movement, your lymph
system is getting toxins out of your body, the body is moving and flowing beautifully, the energy is
flowing through the meridians, and you are grounding your feet on the earth, allowing for the
earth's magnetic energy to flow though your body, energizing your cells. You are also actually
looking out and externalizing through your eyes at far away distances, which increases the
electromagnetic energy in your body and makes the body more alkaline and less susceptible to
disease. It also has a profound effect on your state of mind and happiness factor. The lack of
walking causes the body's elimination channels to become slow and sluggish.
2. Stretching. Your body consists of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. If you lived in a natural
setting, interacting with nature as we are designed, the natural activities you would be doing
throughout your day would cause the frequent stretching of your ligaments, muscles and tendons.
Americans are the least flexible people in the world. Lack of flexibility allows for negative energy
and toxins to accumulate in various parts of your body, allowing toxicity to build up.
3. Resistance exercise. This includes any form of movement where resistance is put against a
muscle, and the muscle is required to push or pull against the resistance. The most common form of
resistance training is weight lifting or the use of resistance machines. This is an unnatural form of
exercise. Chimpanzees, as an example, are eight times stronger than a man, yet do not lift weights.
Weight training can increase the size and strength of muscles, reshaping your body and making you
look great. However, it generally only works with the muscles that are seen and does not address
the majority of muscles that have no aesthetic value. It also does not address the strength of
ligaments and tendons. This can create an imbalance, where some muscles are strong and
abnormally large, and other muscles, ligaments and tendons are weak and disproportionate in size.
Weight training does not increase flexibility-it actually reduces flexibility, thus hindering the flow
of energy through the body. Nevertheless, doing any form of exercise is better than doing none at
4. Postures. There are certain exercise regimes where you are put into postures that are held for a
period of time. The most commonly known is yoga. Keep in mind there are many forms of yoga.
Not all kinds of yoga are posture based. Some yoga techniques are fluid and movement oriented.
The benefits of postures are that they seem to help open up the natural energy channels in the body,
and stimulate internal organs.
5. Aerobic exercise. Aerobic means "with air." Any form of exercise where you are breathing
heavily but can still have a conversation is aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise stimulates blood flow
throughout the body, oxygenates the body and speeds the elimination of toxins.
6. Anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic means "without air." Any form of exercise where you are
breathing so hard you can barely talk is anaerobic. The benefits are, generally, a tremendous
stimulation of your entire system because, in effect, you are putting the survival of every cell in
your body at risk because of the lack of oxygen. This is very helpful in "reprogramming the body"
and allowing the body to increase its elimination of toxins and stop any cellular activity that was
7. Cellular exercise. At this time there is only one form of exercise that actually affects, in a
positive way, every cell in the body simultaneously. Jumping on a mini-trampoline, also known as
a rebounder, has been shown to stimulate and strengthen every cell in the body. This unique form
of exercise dramatically increases the movement through the lymph system, stimulates every cell's
elimination of toxins, and increases the strength and vitality of every cell in the body.
The Major Benefits of Exercise Include:
· Increase oxygen to the cells. Oxygen is needed for life. Most people are deficient in the
amount of oxygen they have throughout their bodies. Viruses and cancer, for example,
cannot exist in an oxygen rich environment. An oxygen rich body is an alkaline body. An
alkaline body is a body where disease and illness cannot exist.
· Movement of lymph fluid. The lymphatic system is an important element in the elimination
process. Most Americans have a lymphatic system that is dangerously clogged and sluggish.
Moving the body as it was intended increases the movement of lymph fluid through the
body, assisting with the elimination of toxins.
· Cell stimulation. Every cell in the body produces toxic waste. Every cell in the body needs
stimulation in order for the toxic waste to be eliminated. Every cell in the body needs
stimulation to remain healthy and thrive in a normal way. If a cell does not eliminate the
toxic waste it produces and does not receive stimulation, it can begin to act in an abnormal
way. Cells could degenerate and die or begin to grow abnormally in an out of control
manner, causing tumors, cancer, or the degeneration of vital organs in the body.
· Opening of energy channels. Energy flows through our body. Just like blood flows through
the veins, electromagnetic energy flows through channels in our body.When these channels
are blocked or congested, energy does not flow efficiently. This energy gives life and
vitality to the cells; without it the cells do not receive what is needed, causing abnormalities,
suppression of the immune system, and turning the body acidic, making it susceptible to
illness. Exercise helps to keep these channels open.
· Releasing of tension and stress. Stress is the silent killer. Stress can be defined many ways.
In simplistic terms, stress is holding on to negative energy. When negative energy is being
held, it can lodge itself into various parts of the body. This can cause muscles to be tight and
the body to become acidic. Exercise breaks up this stress and tension, and can allow it to
leave the body.
I have mentioned that toxins in the body are a major cause of disease. I have mentioned that lack of
nutrition is a major cause of disease. I suggested very briefly that electromagnetic chaos also has a
negative effect on the body and can lead to and cause disease. It is important also to know that
"stress" is also one of the major forces that can cause illness and disease in the body. When
something stresses us, our body turns from a natural state of alkaline pH to acidic.When it's acidic,
disease can grow. Stress suppresses our immune system and makes us weaker and more susceptible
to infections, germs, bacteria and viruses.When our immune system is weak, we cannot naturally
defend against these invaders and we get sick. So the question is, what are the stressors and how
can we eliminate them? I will address this question and give you the simple solutions in a later
Rest: Without proper rest, the cells are not given the opportunity to recharge and rejuvenate. Tired
cells cannot eliminate toxins efficiently. It is also during rest that most healing takes place. Most
people do not get enough rest, and the rest they do get is not full and deep. There are three elements
of proper rest:
1. The time in which you rest. The most optimum time for the body to rest is when the sun is no
longer shining. Ideally, a person would rest and sleep when the sun goes down and arise when the
sun comes up. This is the natural cycle. However, most people's lifestyles do not allow this.
Therefore they are resting and sleeping at non-optimal times. Each week a lunar cycle occurs
starting at sundown every Friday ending at sundown every Saturday. This time period is absolutely
the most ideal time for the body to recharge and rejuvenate.
2. The amount of hours you rest. Although every person is different, it appears that every person
operates better when getting eight hours of sleep. People operate worse if they receive fewer hours
or more hours. The majority of people sleep less than eight hours, and then try to catch up by
occasionally sleeping more hours. This practice does not allow optimal recharging and rejuvenation
of the cells in your body.
3. Rest and sleep should be deep. Most people toss and turn at night. The ideal situation is that you
virtually do not move for the entire sleep time. When sleep is full and deep, brain-wave activity can
occur, which stimulates the healing process throughout the body. A person who snores wakes
themselves up an average of 300 times per night. A person who snores never gets into the deepest
levels of sleep, and thus their body is never operating at optimal efficiency.
There is a difference between sleep and rest. The body can rest without going to sleep. Most people
never take a "rest" during the day. The common pattern of waking up, working all day nonstop,
going to bed late, never getting a full deep eight hours of peaceful sleep, results in a body that
slowly begins to break down and never has a chance to heal and recharge. If you were to take a
battery powered device and leave it on until the battery died, and compare that to turning the device
on for a period of time then off for a period of time, and repeating this process several times, you
would find the battery life can be as high as twice as long as nonstop usage. The body is very much
like a battery. The body operates almost identically, utilizing electric current throughout. It must be
given a chance to rest. If a person did nothing else but get proper rest and sleep, their energy levels
would skyrocket and the amount of illness and disease they experience would go down
Your thoughts: Thoughts are things. Your body is in fact a very powerful electromagnetic
transmitter and receiver of energy. Every thought you have can have a powerful impact on the cells
in your body. Positive high vibration thoughts can rid your body of disease. Negative stressful low
vibration thoughts can give your body disease. Science does not believe that thoughts can have any
profound effect on your health. Medical science believes that thoughts could never alone cure or
cause disease. However, it is interesting to point out that medical science cannot dispute the
"placebo" effect. The placebo effect is when a person is given a "placebo," which is in effect
nothing, yet their disease is cured. This occurs because the patient believes that what he is taking
will cure the disease. His thoughts basically cause the cure. This happens in as many as 40 percent
of the cases. Imagine, up to 40 percent of the time a person with a dreaded disease cures himself
with his own thoughts! Yet, remember our friends at the FDA who say that only a drug can cure a
Thoughts can heal, but they can also cause sickness and disease. Stress, which could be defined as
negative thoughts, cause the body to become acidic, thus creating the environment for illness and
disease. These negative thoughts can be conscious or unconscious in nature. Many of these
negative thoughts are trapped in stressful or traumatic incidences from our past. Several prominent
doctors have found that the vast majority of people with cancer have an incident in their past that
caused tremendous grief. Individuals who have heart attacks are found to have suppressed anger. It
is interesting to note the correlation between certain emotions and certain diseases.
The stress of living in today's environment is higher than at any time in history. Driving a car, for
example, raises stress levels in the body up to 1,000 times normal levels.When a person is driving
a car combined with talking on a cell phone, stress levels can go as high as 5,000 times the norm.
Walking, conversely, actually reduces stress. Worrying about money, arguing with relatives,
friends and co-workers, watching scary gruesome movies and television shows, reading the news,
all increase stress levels dramatically. The good news is this can be reversed.
Doctor Coldwell of Germany has the highest cancer success rate in the country, treating over
35,000 mostly terminal cancer patients. Without drugs or surgery, but rather by using techniques to
reduce stress, (in effect correcting a person's thoughts), he has cured more people of cancer than
any person in German history. Dr. Norman Cousins'
The Anatomy of an Illness documents how, by laughing and reducing stress, without drugs or
surgery, cancer was put in complete remission. Earl Nightingale discovered what he called "The
strangest secret": You become what you think about. Positive thoughts and low amounts of stress
create an alkaline pH in the body, meaning you virtually cannot get sick. Negative thoughts and
emotions and high levels of stress cause the body to become acidic, leading to illness and disease.
What you say:Words have power. Most people speak words that increase body stress and turn the
body's pH from alkaline to acidic. Words can change the way we think and feel. Researchers have
concluded that speaking the correct form of words and thinking the correct thoughts actually
changes a person's DNA.
Of all the things that I've talked about in this chapter so far relating to the cause of illness and
disease please do not overlook the power of how you think and what you say. These two factors
contribute dramatically to stress levels. Stress absolutely causes illness and disease. Reducing stress
absolutely is one of the most powerful natural cures for virtually every disease in the body. This is
one of the cures that cannot be patented. No one can make billions of dollars in profits selling it to
you, but simple stress reducing techniques that are effective and inexpensive absolutely have been
proven to be one of the most powerful natural cures of all time. This is one of the "natural cures"
that "they" don't want you to know about! I will tell you exactly how to reduce stress levels and
utilize this cure in a later chapter.
If you look at people today around the world who have no disease and no illness, there are virtually
no common denominators. You can't look to a person's genetic disposition. You can't look to a
person's diet because they vary so greatly. Some of these people smoke, some of them eat monkeys
raw, some of them eat dairy products, some of them are vegetarians, some of them do not exercise,
others simply walk. They generally all do sleep very well, but the most obvious common
denominator is how they think and how they talk. They are very positive, optimistic individuals,
they don't take life very seriously, and they don't worry too much. They are optimistic and they are
lighthearted. They greet each day in a spirit of thankfulness. Attitude really makes the difference.
Thoughts do affect the body, and thoughts can dramatically affect your health.
From a biological standpoint, what does this really mean? Think of it this way. The body has what
is known as the immune system. The immune system fights off any imbalance or disease, virus,
germs and bacteria. If your body's immune system is strong and you happen to catch any bacteria or
virus, your body fights it off and you never even notice that you were exposed or had that particular
virus or bacteria or germ.When your immune system is very weak, you are susceptible to showing
the symptoms of succumbing to that particular virus or bacteria. People that are the healthiest are
people with very low stress levels. The common denominator of the healthiest people on the planet
is how they think and what they say. The mind can cause the immune system to be incredibly
strong and actually change the genetic DNA structure in your body, preventing disease.What you
think and what you say can actually cure disease. Conversely, what you think and what you say, in
other words "stress," can absolutely cause your immune system to be weakened and cause genetic
weaknesses in the body to become active causing you to develop illness and disease. Stress,
negative thoughts, negative words coming out of your mouth, all are very powerful in turning your
body pH either acidic or alkaline. Remember, if your body's pH is acidic you have an environment
where illness and sickness can thrive. If your body pH is alkaline you virtually can never get sick.
By reducing stress, speaking powerful positive words, and thinking powerful positive thoughts you
absolutely can turn your body pH to the state of alkaline and reverse-yes, that's right, absolutely
cure virtually every disease in the body, all with the power of your mind.
So the summary, in very general, very simplistic terms is this: The reason why you are sick is
because you are putting more toxins and chemicals in your body. Those toxins and chemicals are
not coming out of your body because you are not eliminating things like you should. We are
exercising more but we are not walking, and walking is the major form of exercise that gives you
the most health benefits. We are not resting enough, so our body doesn't have a chance to
rejuvenate and recharge. Our thoughts are more negative because of the images we are getting from
television, magazines, newspapers and movies. Think about the kids' games that they are playing
and how horrific those images are. The sounds we are hearing are not life enhancing, but are
actually having a powerful adverse affect on our physiology-turning our body from alkaline to acid.
And we are being bombarded by more electronic chaos from cell phones, microwaves, satellite
waves, electronic devices, computers, televisions, etc.We drive more than ever before and, due to
that, our stress levels keep going up and up, causing our bodies to become more acidic and giving
us a whole environment which is conducive to sickness and disease. Our immune systems are being
suppressed and we are becoming more susceptible to illness. Specifically, the drugs that we are
taking are making our immune systems weaker, and are putting so many toxins in our bodies that
they are in fact causing many additional illnesses.
You'll notice that every major illness that we face today, those that most people are popping drugs
for, are not in fact caused by bacteria or viruses.We aren't catching them.We develop them in our
body. They are actually self-inflicted illnesses. If your body's immune system is strong and healthy,
when you are exposed to the viruses and bacteria which we all are every single day, your body
would simply handle them and you wouldn't even notice them. If you did have a scratchy throat, if
you did have some sniffles or a cough, it would maybe last a few hours or a day at most. You
wouldn't have to take any drug, your body would handle it and deal with it and become stronger
because of it. That's the natural way your body reacts.We forget that many of the symptoms we
have are actually our body's own defense mechanisms working properly, so we go out and take
drugs and try to suppress them.
A good example is a fever. If you have a fever, the body is raising its temperature to fight off some
danger. But what we do is, we go out and take something to reduce our fever, allowing the invaders
to take over. The problem with medical procedures, and the problem with drugs and surgery is that
they all try to solve or eliminate a symptom. They never ask, "What's the cause?" If you have a
fever, don't say you need to get rid of the fever. Ask yourself what's causing the fever. Keep asking
and keep asking and keep asking that question. By eliminating the symptoms, you just suppress the
real cause of the problem, thus causing it to get worse. If you are driving your car and your oil light
goes on, you wouldn't say "my oil light's on; I need to get my oil light to go off. Oh, I know what
I'll do, I'll unscrew the bulb. Ah, now the oil light is no longer illuminated." You haven't solved the
problem, have you? You got rid of a symptom. There is no more illumination of the oil light. But
the reason that light went on is still there. You may drive that car for another few weeks before it
seizes up on you. Your body is the same way. If you have a headache, you shouldn't say, "Let me
eliminate the pain of the headache." You should ask yourself what's causing your body to do that,
and find the cause. When you do this, you are addressing the root cause of problems and not just
treating symptoms.
Medical science, medical doctors, drugs and surgery only treat symptoms. The question that always
comes up for me is: Is there a place for drugs and surgery? And the answer is: Absolutely yes! I
have to applaud the medical community because they have developed the best methods to date of
keeping a person alive in the event of a trauma, accident or emergency situation. If we go with the
theory that we always ask, "what's the cause," and not just treat the symptom, then we can use
drugs and surgery as they should be used. Here's an example:
I'm walking in my garden and I step on a nail. I rush to the emergency room and say, "Quick, I
stepped on a nail. It was a rusty nail. I'm bleeding, and I'm in pain. Help!" The doctor says that I
may have some infection and gives me some ointment that will kill the bacteria to make sure I don't
get an infection. He gives me some type of drug that will stop the bleeding and sews me up with a
surgical procedure to handle the wound. The reason that is acceptable is because the cause of my
problem was stepping on a nail. We have addressed the cause. It's not going to repeat itself.We
know what the cause is. Now let's handle the symptoms.
If I was in a car crash and my kidney was ripped open by the metal of the crushed vehicle, rush me
to the emergency room and handle my symptoms. Don't ask: "Hmm, I wonder what caused this?
Let's go for the cause." I can tell you what the cause is. The cause is a piece of metal ripped my
skin open and punctured my kidney; please use drugs and surgery and save my life. Handle the
symptoms. The symptoms are, "I am bleeding profusely, I'm about to die." Handling the symptoms
is good in that situation.
But if a person has cancer you don't say: "Hmm, cancer cells...let me cut them out, let me shoot
them full of radiation, let me use some drugs that may kill them." Ask yourself why cancer is
growing in the body. The answer is: The body is acidic.What's causing the body to be acidic? Let's
find out what is going into the body, what is going out of the body, what the person thinks, how he
is exercising, how he is resting and what he is saying, and let's turn this around in a very simple
way and then the cancer goes away. We reduce stress, we strengthen the immune system, the body
becomes alkaline, and disease can't exist.
The conclusion, then, is that people get sick because:
· We are putting too many toxins in our body and not flushing the toxins out fast enough.
Meaning our body is toxic.
· We are not putting enough of the necessary nutrients into our body, and the nutrients that
are going in are not being absorbed. This means we are nutritionally deficient.
· We are exposed to and negatively affected by electromagnetic chaos.
· We have trapped mental and emotional stress.
Since all matter consists ultimately of energy, in simplistic terms: the cause of all disease is
energetic imbalance.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Plant-based Meat Alternatives Crowd U.S. Grocery Stores

Plant-based Meat Alternatives Crowd U.S. Grocery Stores 
(Reuters) - Plant-based meat alternatives have seen booming interest from consumers, prompting a growing number of companies to enter the space in hopes of carving out a spot for their products in the competitive supermarket aisle.
Consumers increasingly want to reduce their meat consumption amid growing concerns over health risks, animal welfare and environmental hazards.
Spurred by the success of California-based Beyond Meat <BYND.DE>, veteran meat companies have also entered the market.
Shoppers at U.S. grocery stores have many plant-based options, with several companies planning to roll out meat alternatives by the end of this year.
Here is a list of plant-based products available in U.S. grocery stores:

- Beyond Meat: burgers, sausages, ground meat and crumbles made of protein from peas, brown rice, sunflower seeds and mung beans are available at more than 53,000 retailers and restaurants worldwide. In the United States, the company's products are sold at most large chains, including Amazon's <AMZN.O> Whole Foods, Kroger Co <KR.N> and Albertsons Companies Inc <ABS.N>.

- Impossible Foods: a "bleeding" burger made from soy protein, the patty was originally sold only to fast-food chains, including at Burger King, which begins selling the "Impossible Whopper" nationwide this month. The company on July 31 received approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to sell its burger in grocery stores. Impossible said it plans to sell in select supermarkets in September, but declined to provide details on its retail launch.

- Nestle SA <NESN.S>: The world's largest packaged food group seeks to sell a pea-based veggie patty called Awesome Burger under its U.S. plant-based Sweet Earth brand in supermarkets and restaurants in September or October. The company is already selling the Awesome Burger at McDonald's <MCD.N> restaurants in Germany.

- Tyson Foods Inc <TSN.N>: The U.S. meat producer in June launched its first vegetarian and mixed protein line, including vegetarian nuggets, blended protein burgers made from beef and pea protein, and sausages and meatballs that combine chicken with plants. The nuggets entered U.S. grocery stores in the summer, with burgers expected in the fall.

- Maple Leaf Foods Inc <MFI.TO>: The Canadian packaged meat producer's subsidiary Greenleaf Foods produces plant-based burgers and ground meat under its Lightlife brand. It also owns the Field Roast brand that makes plant-based sausages, burgers, deli slices, meat loafs and roasts. The products are available at thousands of U.S. stores, including Whole Foods, Albertsons and Wegmans.

- Perdue Foods: The chicken producer, part of family-owned Perdue Farms, has launched frozen chicken nuggets mixed with cauliflower, chickpeas and other plant protein, with more blended and potentially fully plant-based products in the pipeline. Perdue's plant-blended line will be available at retailers by September.

- Smithfield Foods Inc: The meat-processing company owned by China's WH Group Ltd <0288.HK> has launched a line of plant-based burgers, meat balls, sausages and ground meat made of soy. The products will be available at Kroger Co, Sprouts Farmers Market Inc <SFM.O> and Target Corp <TGT.N> starting in mid-September.

- The Meatless Farm Co: The Britain-based meat alternatives company has launched its sausages, burgers and ground meat made of pea, rice and soy protein in an exclusive deal with Whole Foods in the United States. Meatless Farm's chief executive, Robert Woodall, told Reuters the company looks to manufacture in the United States and plans to launch at other retailers next year.

(Reporting by Tina Bellon in New York; Editing by Leslie Adler)