Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Healthy Living

Most people who decide to start juicing do so because they want to make a change. Maybe they want to lose weight, or they want themselves and their families to live a healthier lifestyle by introducing more fresh fruits and vegetables to their diet. Or they even start juicing because their physician recommended it to help them deal with a medical illness. What ever their reason, once they get started, people can't believe the difference juicing has made in their lives.

But do you realize that by simply beginning a healthier lifestyle with juicing, you're also making a difference with the planet? That's because every time you use your Power Juicer, that's one less plastic juice bottle that will end up in the landfill.

Most people who drink juice out of a single serve bottle don't think twice when they finish their juice and toss the bottle into the garbage. But, when you consider that single serve bottled juice sales ran about 1 billion dollars last year, and if the average cost of a bottle of juice is 2 dollars, that's roughly 500 million plastic bottles that end up in our country's landfills in just one year. And since some plastics take as long as 500 years to breakdown, we're talking long term adverse affects on our planet and ourselves. Not to mention all of the fossil fuel that had to be use in the manufacturing and delivery process involved in the bottled juice industry.

Juicing allows you to break from that cycle of the throw away society and get healthy at the same time. If you take just a little time to find produce for your juicing that is grown locally in your area (finding a local green market is one way), you can help to cut the carbon footprint caused by the manufacture and delivery of bottled juices.

Who would've thought that just by juicing your own fruits and vegetables you could not only make yourself healthier and happier, but your planet as well.

Get the Most From Your Compost

Composting is nature's way of recycling. It's an easy natural way for you to get great soil for your home garden or potted plants, while lessening your family's impact on the local landfill. And composting is a great way to reuse the pulp that's created when you juice. You can compost using a container or bin you buy, and they range in price from 40 dollars to a couple of hundred dollars. Or you can use the "pile method" and just start a compost pile of your own on the ground.

It's really pretty easy. Just find a spot in your yard that gets either morning sun or afternoon sun, but not both, because too much sun will rob your compost pile of necessary moisture. Then dig a hole, not too deep, about 12 inches. The diameter will depend on the size of your yard, but 6 feet or less is fine, save the dirt you accumulate from digging in a pile off to the side to add to your compost every once in a while to help keep your pile warm and moist.

Once your hole is dug, line the bottom with sticks and twigs in order to hold your organic material slightly off the ground and to let air circulate through the bottom. This is important to help the material break down. Once the bottom is lined with sticks, then start adding whatever organic material you have from your yard work, your pulp from juicing, and other kitchen scraps like egg shells, tea bags, coffee grounds and cooking scraps. Avoid putting any meat scraps or bones in your compost, because they tend to attract scavengers. Then once your compost pile is started, remember to add to it and be sure to turn it over at least once a week to keep air circulating and to keep it from drying out.

Think Local!

Lowering our carbon footprint is a common phrase these days. Though it sounds a bit scientific, what it really comes down to is choice; choosing alternative ways to do normal everyday chores and routines. One way to lower your carbon footprint and combine juicing is to buy your fruits and vegetables for juicing from a local grower. The best way to do that is by going to your nearest green market. Unlike super markets that get their produce from across the country or even across the globe, shipped on trucks and large container ships that contribute millions of tons of carbon to the atmosphere. Local green markets are supplied by local farmers, many just a few miles away. Which brings up another point, by going to a green market, you are also supporting smaller, independent and family farms. To find a green market in your neighborhood, go to www.localharvest.org.

To cut down on your use of plastic bags, when you do go to the green market to buy your produce, make sure you bring your own reusable grocery bag.

Start Your Own Vegetable Garden

One of the most fun and fulfilling green projects you can do is to start your own garden. First, there's nothing better than making a fresh glass of juice from fruits and vegetables grown in your own garden and second, planting a small garden is a project the whole family can do together. From tilling the soil, to planting the seeds, to harvesting all of the great produce you grow, a garden gives back in great tasting fruits and vegetables much more than the small amount of work it takes to get started.

Third, you're helping to fight against the large amounts of carbon dioxide put into the atmosphere each year transporting produce to supermarkets and grocery stores.

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