Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Natural Cures for Cataracts

Natural Cures for Cataracts
Feb 20, 2017                         

When it comes to treating eye issues, we literally need to “open our eyes” and look for effective remedies to preserve and maintain eyesight, as seeing is a primary sense for most individuals. This goal is especially important to those individuals already beginning to experience eye health issues, like cataracts. We hope to help you maintain your eyesight and remedy your cataracts using effective natural cures like alpha lipoic acid, phytonutrients, and lutein.

What Are Cataracts?

WebMD defines cataracts as a clouding of the lens of your eye that generally causes vision impairment. The condition is quite common and is believed to affect more than 50% of Americans over the age of 65 alone.

The development of cataracts is typically fairly slow; however, the associated symptoms are often difficult to decipher for patients. If you are developing a cataract, you will likely experience clouded or blurred vision, increased difficulty seeing at night, sensitivity to light or glare, development of “halos” around lights, frequent changes in your glasses prescription, and fading or yellowing of colors. You may even experience double vision in one eye.

Cataracts typically form as the tissues within the lens in your eye break down and form clumps. These clumps cause “clouded” areas on your eye, which in turn impair your eyesight.

Can You Eliminate Cataracts without Surgery?

Many medical professionals claim surgery as the only option for treating cataracts. While this treatment is often the only or at least the best option for treating a progressive, advanced case of cataracts, if you catch the condition early on, you can implement a number of natural cures to treat cataracts effectively. Three of the most effective natural remedies for cataracts are alpha lipoic acid, phytonutrients, and lutein.

1. Alpha Lipoic Acid

Research suggests that alpha lipoic acid is one of the most effective remedies for cataracts. This nutrient is similar to a vitamin and is considered an intensive antioxidant. Alpha lipoic acid functions to eliminate free radicals in your body, which are a major contributor to cataracts. Likewise, this nutrient helps restore vitamin E and vitamin C levels in your body, which help to maintain your eye health. For the best results, take 600mg per mouth twice a day.

2. Phytonutrients

If you are thinking, “Phyto-what?” just hear us out…Phytonutrients are the important plant chemicals that promote healthy cell growth and development. Many of these nutrients also act as antioxidants and help combat free radical damage to your eyes and the rest of your body. You can often find phytonutrient supplements at health food store, or just up your intake of dark colored (green, red, purple, and yellow) fruits and vegetables to make sure you are getting plenty of these important nutrients.

3. Lutein

Dr. Weil highlights lutein as one of the most important nutrients for eye health. This compound is a carotenoid and is a major component of the orange and yellow pigment found in a variety of fruits and vegetables. Research emphasizes the importance of lutein for protecting against cataracts and other degenerative eye diseases. You can find lutein in many complex multivitamin-mineral supplements, but also be sure to get an adequate amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet to further boost your intake of this nutrient.

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