Bedwetting Cures: You’ve Tried Them All, Now Try All-Natural
Bedwetting cures? If you’re the parent of a bedwetting child, we’ll bet you’ve tried lots of them. The problem is this – if they worked, you be doing something far more enjoyable right now than reading this article!
So-called bedwetting “cures” never quite did what they promised they could do, until we discovered an all-natural approach that worked!
Maybe your pediatrician offered this advice, “He’ll outgrow it.” And, in most cases, this advice is right on the money. Fact is, many parents consider their children to be bedwetters when they haven’t even reached the age of 5, the age at which most girls have stopped wetting the bed or age 6, the age when most
boys finally stop bedwetting.
The Internet lists all types of bedwetting “cures, ” many of which are just a waste of your money. If your child is older, you’ve most likely tried every bedwetting cure you could get your hands on, if you thought it might help at all…but none did.
However, if you’re reading this, you haven’t lost all hope and that’s a good thing. There’s a natural cure that has relieved many children of their chronic bedwetting and it’s available close to where you live! So, please…keep reading to learn more…
Bedwetting Cures You May Have Tried
What have you tried so far to stop your child’s bedwetting? Do any of these sound familiar? How about all of them? Have you:- Tried to keep a diary of “wet” nights to examine “triggers” that might cause your child to wet the bed, such as certain foods, events (i.e., tests), social interactions?
- Used a special bedwetting alarm, a device that wakes your child when the first drop of urine hits a moisture sensor that you place in your child’s underwear?
- Refused your bedwetting child any liquids after the dinnertime meal?
- Bought special older child bedwetting diapers to keep the sheets from being soaked?
- Administered prescription medications/nasal sprays that only worked when your child was taking them?
- Used reward/incentive systems for “dry” nights?
- Tried homeopathic remedies because you thought they had no side effects?
- Got your child up to go to the bathroom several times during the night or before you went to bed?
- Had your child strip and remake his/her bed after wetting it?
- Left a light or night light on in your child’s room and the bathroom to ease his or her fear of the dark, because that might be the problem?
- Had your child practice “bladder exercises” to stretch the bladder and strengthen the muscles used to stop urination?
It’s gentle, it’s effective and it’s drug and surgery free – it’s all-natural chiropractic care.
Chiropractic Care as a Bedwetting Cure?
Chiropractors don’t “cure” bedwetting; in fact, they don’t “cure” anything. Chiropractors locate misalignments in the spine that prohibit the nerves in your central nervous system from performing their jobs as communication links between the brain and the body.When these links are “broken, ” because there is a misalignment in the spine that is affecting nerve function, all sorts of illnesses, diseases and conditions, such as bedwetting, can result. Once a chiropractor locates and corrects any misalignment, proper nerve function returns and the body “cures” itself.
A chiropractor is simply the vehicle that drives the adjustment that corrects the misalignment so the body can heal on its own!
How Can a Spinal Misalignment Cause Bedwetting?
Chiropractic care exerts very little pressure on a child’s spine, just enough to correct a misalignment that may be the cause of your child’s bedwetting.
Search chiropractors in Moline ready to assist you.
When the spine is misaligned, the nerves associated with the misaligned vertebrae are compromised. This causes a ‘short” in the communication link between the brain and whatever body part is controlled by the affected nerves.
Many health care professionals believe that a bedwetting child or teen may actually have a delay in their central nervous system development that interferes with their ability to hold urine through the night until morning. A chiropractor believes that this delayed development may actually have occurred because of a spinal misalignment, which in the case of bedwetting children is the cause of the bedwetting. Once this misalignment is corrected, many children are finally freed from wetting the bed because proper brain-body communication is restored!
Makes A Lot of Sense Now, Doesn’t It?
You get rid of the cause (spinal misalignment affecting nerves from the brain to the bladder) and miraculously the body heals all on its own and, for many children and teens, the bedwetting stops. No magic pill, no loud alarms, no prescription medications with long lists of side effects and no more wet beds!The sponsors of are chiropractors who understand that your child is a bedwetter and they want to help. They are compassionate and caring, and they want nothing more than to relieve interference in the spine so your child has a chance to be dry all night, every night. And, although they can’t promise specific results for your child (Who can? And what about those that made promises to you in the past?), they can show you testimonials from other parents. They can even have you speak to them about their experiences with bedwetting children and the miracles of chiropractic care.
Our chiropractic sponsors are well educated in chiropractic colleges and have the skills and training needed to locate and correct the causes of all types of conditions, including bedwetting. They want to see your former bedwetting child smile as they accept their first-ever sleepover invitation. And, they want to show you how the body can cure itself after nerve interference is removed.
Still Not Sure About Chiropractic Cure for Bedwetting?
“Impossible, ” you say? Call one of our local sponsors today to discuss your bedwetting child and all you have done to help him or her stop wetting the bed.Click here for a Choose Natural sponsor in your area.
Then… listen to the following parents describe in heart-wrenching detail your story and how chiropractic care helped their children to stop bedwetting, changing their lives in so many ways.
It’s bound to make a believer out of you too!
What wouldn’t your try to dry your child’s tears and their bed? There are many other parents who want a bedwetting cure for their children; these parents are grateful to have found one!
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