Monday, August 11, 2014


There are a lot of so called experts out there that think that if you quit an addiction cold turkey that it is the best way to cure yourself of that addiction. Well let me tell you they couldn't be more wrong and here is why when you quit cold turkey you have 3 problems #1. you have to deal with the withdraw symptoms like the shakes, the jitters, the intense cravings for the addiction. #2. your chances of going back to that addiction goes sky high. #3. If you try again in the future to quit that addiction in the future it will be a lot tougher to quit no matter what method you try. This is the way to cure yourself of that addiction and the right way is solution #4. Slowly reduce the amount of cigarettes or the amount of alcohol you drink or whatever your addiction is and you won't have to worry about any of the problems that I talked about above because you have given your body enough of a chance to get use to the fact that it won't have that compacted gunk in it's system and you will be cured 100% for life no matter what!

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